
时间:2018-05-28 12:20:32

标签: c# entity-framework-6

myEntities dc = new myEntities();

//i show the table data to user

mainSearchedData = dc.Invoice.ToList();
gvMain.DataSource = mainSearchedData;

//then i change some data in the table(Somewhere else in the code) and save 
dc.SaveChanges(); //(the change is successfull i can se it in SSMS)

//since if i just use the gvMain.datasource set it wont load the changes 
//that has been made in the tabel i want to reload

dc.Entry(dc).Reload();  <-- This is causing the error

“System.InvalidOperationException:'实体类型myEntities不是   当前背景模型的一部分。“


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