Traefik backend certificate override

时间:2018-06-04 17:29:48

标签: docker traefik

I am using Traefik with Backends in HTTPS, i have used SNI in my entrypoint (https). When i visit a HTTPS service it works showing me the Web certificate provided in Traefik.

  address = ":443"
    # Datos del certificado Web A
      certFile = "/etc/ssl/certificado-A.crt"
      keyFile = "/etc/ssl/llave-A.key"
    # Datos del certificado Web B
      certFile = "/etc/ssl/certificado-B.crt"
      keyFile = "/etc/ssl/llave-B.key"
    # Datos del certificado Web C, etc.

My question is, is there a way to show the Backend certificate to the user instead Traefik certificate?

For example if my Backen service has its own certificate. Thanks for your answers.

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