
时间:2011-02-22 08:48:58

标签: c# .net windows screensaver windows-screensaver



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

如果您自己编写应用程序,请查看调用非托管API SetThreadExecutionState(PInvoke reference)。从我对how do i prevent screen-savers and sleeps during my program execution?的回答中复制:



启用应用程序通知   因此,它正在使用的系统   阻止系统进入   睡觉或关闭显示屏时   应用程序正在运行。


多媒体应用,例如视频   播放器和演示应用,   必须使用ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED   长时间显示视频   没有用户输入

如果 无法控制应用程序,但屏幕保护程序会导致问题,请将此信息反馈给开发人员。


答案 1 :(得分:2)

Controlling The Screen Saver With C#

public static class ScreenSaver
   // Signatures for unmanaged calls

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern bool SystemParametersInfo( 
      int uAction, int uParam, ref int lpvParam, 
      int flags );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern bool SystemParametersInfo( 
      int uAction, int uParam, ref bool lpvParam, 
      int flags );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern int PostMessage( IntPtr hWnd, 
      int wMsg, int wParam, int lParam );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern IntPtr OpenDesktop( 
      string hDesktop, int Flags, bool Inherit, 
      uint DesiredAccess );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern bool CloseDesktop( 
      IntPtr hDesktop );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern bool EnumDesktopWindows( 
      IntPtr hDesktop, EnumDesktopWindowsProc callback, 
      IntPtr lParam );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   private static extern bool IsWindowVisible( 
      IntPtr hWnd );

   [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
   public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow( );

   // Callbacks

   private delegate bool EnumDesktopWindowsProc( 
      IntPtr hDesktop, IntPtr lParam );

   // Constants

   private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERACTIVE = 16;
   private const int SPI_SETSCREENSAVERACTIVE = 17;
   private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT = 14;
   private const int SPI_SETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT = 15;
   private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING = 114;
   private const int SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE = 2;

   private const uint DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS = 0x0080;
   private const uint DESKTOP_READOBJECTS = 0x0001;
   private const int WM_CLOSE = 16;

   // Returns TRUE if the screen saver is active 

   // (enabled, but not necessarily running).

   public static bool GetScreenSaverActive( )
      bool isActive = false;

      SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETSCREENSAVERACTIVE, 0, 
         ref isActive, 0 );
      return isActive;

   // Pass in TRUE(1) to activate or FALSE(0) to deactivate

   // the screen saver.

   public static void SetScreenSaverActive( int Active )
      int nullVar = 0;

      SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETSCREENSAVERACTIVE, 
         Active, ref nullVar, SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE );

   // Returns the screen saver timeout setting, in seconds

   public static Int32 GetScreenSaverTimeout( )
      Int32 value = 0;

      SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT, 0, 
         ref value, 0 );
      return value;

   // Pass in the number of seconds to set the screen saver

   // timeout value.

   public static void SetScreenSaverTimeout( Int32 Value )
      int nullVar = 0;

      SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT, 
         Value, ref nullVar, SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE );

   // Returns TRUE if the screen saver is actually running

   public static bool GetScreenSaverRunning( )
      bool isRunning = false;

      SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, 
         ref isRunning, 0 );
      return isRunning;

   // From Microsoft's Knowledge Base article #140723: 

   // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/140723

   // "How to force a screen saver to close once started 

   // in Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003"

   public static void KillScreenSaver( )
      IntPtr hDesktop = OpenDesktop( "Screen-saver", 0, 
      if( hDesktop != IntPtr.Zero )
         EnumDesktopWindows( hDesktop, new 
            EnumDesktopWindowsProc( KillScreenSaverFunc ),
            IntPtr.Zero );
         CloseDesktop( hDesktop );
         PostMessage( GetForegroundWindow( ), WM_CLOSE, 
            0, 0 );

   private static bool KillScreenSaverFunc( IntPtr hWnd, 
      IntPtr lParam )
      if( IsWindowVisible( hWnd ) )
         PostMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
      return true;


private void KillTimer_Elapsed( object state )
   // Toggle kill state to indicate activity

   killState = ( killState == 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
   this.SetText( killState.ToString( ) );

   // Stop the screen saver if it's active and running, 

   // otherwise reset the screen saver timer.

   // Apparently it's possible for GetScreenSaverRunning()

   // to return TRUE before the screen saver has time to 

   // actually become the foreground application. So...

   // Make sure we're not the foreground window to avoid 

   // killing ourself.

   if( ScreenSaver.GetScreenSaverActive( ) )
      if( ScreenSaver.GetScreenSaverRunning( ) )
         if( ScreenSaver.GetForegroundWindow() != hThisWnd)
            ScreenSaver.KillScreenSaver( );
         // Reset the screen saver timer, so the screen 

         // saver doesn't turn on until after a full

         // timeout period. If killPeriod is less than 

         // ssTimeout the screen saver should never 

         // activate.

         ScreenSaver.SetScreenSaverActive( TRUE );