
时间:2018-06-18 13:18:22

标签: javascript html svg scroll

我有一个问题:我必须在滚动事件上更改元素位置和角度。就像我的webpage是一条带有背景的漫长道路 - 我需要在滚动期间沿着这条路径动画汽车动作。

我的解释很好: http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr-path/ - 一个完美的解决方案,符合我的要求。但不幸的是,它已经过时了。


我也试过http://scrollmagic.io/examples/expert/bezier_path_animation.html - 但这不是我需要的东西,因为我的路很难。不只是几个圈子。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


它应该适用于所有(大多数)浏览器。您可能需要调整的部分是我们如何获得页面高度(document.documentElement.scrollHeight)。您可能需要use different methods,具体取决于您要支持的浏览器。

function positionCar()
  var  scrollY = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
  var  maxScrollY = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
  var  path = document.getElementById("path1");
  // Calculate distance along the path the car should be for the current scroll amount
  var  pathLen = path.getTotalLength();
  var  dist = pathLen * scrollY / maxScrollY;
  var  pos = path.getPointAtLength(dist);
  // Calculate position a little ahead of the car (or behind if we are at the end), so we can calculate car angle
  if (dist + 1 <= pathLen) {
    var  posAhead = path.getPointAtLength(dist + 1);
    var  angle = Math.atan2(posAhead.y - pos.y, posAhead.x - pos.x);
  } else {
    var  posBehind = path.getPointAtLength(dist - 1);
    var  angle = Math.atan2(pos.y - posBehind.y, pos.x - posBehind.x);
  // Position the car at "pos" totated by "angle"
  var  car = document.getElementById("car");
  car.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + pos.x + "," + pos.y + ") rotate(" + rad2deg(angle) + ")");

function rad2deg(rad) {
  return 180 * rad / Math.PI;

// Reposition car whenever there is a scroll event
window.addEventListener("scroll", positionCar);

// Position the car initially
body {
  min-height: 3000px;

svg {
  position: fixed;
<svg width="500" height="500"
     viewBox="0 0 672.474 933.78125">
  <g transform="translate(-54.340447,-64.21875)" id="layer1">
   <path d="m 60.609153,64.432994 c 0,0 -34.345187,72.730986 64.649767,101.015256 98.99494,28.28427 321.2285,-62.62946 321.2285,-62.62946 0,0 131.31984,-52.527932 181.82746,16.16244 50.50763,68.69037 82.04198,196.41856 44.44671,284.86302 -30.25843,71.18422 -74.75128,129.29952 -189.90867,133.34013 -115.15739,4.04061 -72.73099,-153.54318 -72.73099,-153.54318 0,0 42.42641,-129.29953 135.36044,-119.198 92.93404,10.10152 -14.14213,-129.29953 -141.42135,-94.95434 -127.27922,34.34518 -183.84777,80.8122 -206.07112,121.2183 -22.22336,40.40611 -42.06243,226.23742 -26.26397,305.06607 8.77013,43.75982 58.20627,196.1403 171.72594,270.72088 73.8225,48.50019 181.82745,2.02031 181.82745,2.02031 0,0 94.95434,-12.12183 78.7919,-155.56349 -16.16244,-143.44166 -111.68403,-138.77778 -139.9683,-138.77778 -28.28427,0 83.39976,-156.18677 83.39976,-156.18677 0,0 127.27922,-189.90867 107.07617,16.16245 C 634.3758,640.21994 864.69058,888.71747 591.94939,941.2454 319.2082,993.77334 -16.162441,539.20469 153.54319,997.81395"

    <path id="car" d="M-15,-10 L15,0 L -15,10 z" fill="yellow" stroke="red" stroke-width="7.06"/>
