
时间:2018-06-20 18:11:07

标签: ros

在进行roslaunch <pkg> <file>.launch时,我希望在该文件中启动的所有节点仅在尚未运行时才启动。 我该怎么做呢? 如果不可能,那么是否至少可以分别为每个节点执行此操作? 如果有人有想法,那么最好将代码添加到下面的示例.launch片段中。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" />

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不幸的是,这不可能像here所讨论的那样。 public static void customerRegistration(){ java.io.FileOutputStream file; java.io.FileInputStream file2; java.io.ObjectOutputStream object; java.io.ObjectInputStream object2; Validation validation = new Validation(); Customer[] customer = new Customer[100]; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String string; int i = 0 , choice = 0, ww = 1; boolean value , lol = false , exception = false; ExceptionHandler handleEx = new ExceptionHandler(); int year , day , month; Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.setLenient(false); // is a method that will validate the date and throws an exception if its out of range do{ try{ file2 = new java.io.FileInputStream("Appointments.bin"); object2 = new java.io.ObjectInputStream(file2); Customer[] aaa = (Customer[]) object2.readObject(); for(Customer ddd : aaa) System.out.print(ddd); object2.close(); file2.close(); } catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException a){ System.out.print("Appointments.bin File Not Found , Please Contact The Developer to fix this issue. Thank you.\n\n"); System.exit(-1); } catch(java.io.IOException b){ } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException c){ System.out.print("dsada"); } customer[i] = new Customer(); do{ System.out.print("Enter First Name : "); customer[i].setFirstName(input.nextLine()); value = validation.validateName(customer[i].getFirstName()); } while (value); do{ System.out.print("Enter Last Name : "); customer[i].setLastName(input.nextLine()); value = validation.validateName(customer[i].getLastName()); } while(value); do{ System.out.printf("\n\n%-20s %-20s %-20s\n\n" ,"Services" , "Time Available" , "Days Available" ); System.out.printf("%-20s %-20s \n%-20s %-20s %-20s\n%-20s %-20s %-20s\n%-20s %-20s %-20s\n\n\n", "Repair" , "9.00am - 10.00am" , "Repaint" , "11.00am - 12.00pm" , "Monday - Sunday" , "Wax & Polish" , "1.00pm - 2.00pm" , "Monday - Sunday" , "Maintenance Service" , "3.00pm - 4.00pm" , "Monday - Sunday"); System.out.print("Enter A service based on numbers Ex (Repair = 1 , Repaint = 2 and so on) :"); choice = handleEx.handle(input); input.nextLine(); // reads the new line character left by input.nexInt() in the class method. if(choice < 1 || choice > 4) System.out.print("\n\nPlease Enter a choice within (1-4) Range. Thank you.\n\n"); }while(choice < 1 || choice > 4); switch(choice){ case 1: customer[i].setService("Repair"); break; case 2: customer[i].setService("Repaint"); break; case 3: customer[i].setService("Wax & Polish"); break; default: customer[i].setService("Maintenance Service"); } do{ System.out.print("Enter a time for appointment (X:XX) Where X represents a digit along with a colon : "); if(customer[i].getService().equalsIgnoreCase("Repair")){ customer[i].setTime(input.nextLine()+"am"); if (customer[i].getTime().matches("(9):[0-5][0-9]am")) value = false; else{ value = true; System.out.print("\n\nThis time is not available for this service. Please re-enter. Thank you.\n\n"); } } else if(customer[i].getService().equalsIgnoreCase("Repaint")){ customer[i].setTime(input.nextLine()+"am"); if (customer[i].getTime().matches("(11):[0-5][0-9]am")) value = false; else{ value = true; System.out.print("\n\nThis time is not available for this service. Please re-enter. Thank you.\n\n"); } } else if(customer[i].getService().equalsIgnoreCase("Wax & Polish")){ customer[i].setTime(input.nextLine()+"am"); if (customer[i].getTime().matches("(1):[0-5][0-9]am")) value = false; else{ value = true; System.out.print("\n\nThis time is not available for this service. Please re-enter. Thank you.\n\n"); } } else { customer[i].setTime(input.nextLine()+"am"); if (customer[i].getTime().matches("(3):[0-5][0-9]am")) value = false; else{ value = true; System.out.print("\n\nThis time is not available for this service. Please re-enter. Thank you.\n\n"); } } } while(value); System.out.print("Enter a year : "); year = handleEx.handle(input); do{ System.out.print("Enter a month : "); month = handleEx.handle(input); month -= 1; if(month < 1 || month > 12) System.out.print("\n\nInvalid Date. Please re-enter. Thank you\n\n"); }while(month < 1 || month > 31); do{ System.out.print("Enter a day : "); day = handleEx.handle(input); input.nextLine(); date.set(year, month, day); value = handleEx.handle(date); } while(value); customer[i].setDay(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH + "-" + Calendar.MONTH + "-" + Calendar.YEAR); do{ System.out.print("Please Enter Car Plate Number : "); customer[i].setCarNo(input.nextLine().toUpperCase()); value = validation.validateCar(customer[i].getCarNo()); }while(value); string = input.nextLine(); i++; } while(string.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); try{ file = new java.io.FileOutputStream("Appointments.bin" , true); object = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(file); for(Customer s : customer) object.writeObject(s); file.close(); object.close(); System.out.print("\n\nRecord Successfully Stored!\n\n"); } catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException a){ System.out.print("Appointments.bin File Not Found , Please Contact The Developer to fix this issue. Thank you.\n\n"); System.exit(-1); } catch(java.io.IOException b){ System.out.print("IOException has occured. There might something wrong with the Appointmentss.bin file. Please Contact The Developer to fix this issue. Thank you.\n\n"); } } } roslaunch将始终以所需的名称运行该节点,从而导致rosrun将杀死具有相同名称的活动节点。 您可以使用roscore标记来运行多个实例,这些实例的名称始终不同,如here所述。 此行为的唯一例外是anon及其节点,如here所述。 从我的角度来看,当前唯一的解决方法是编写一个脚本,该脚本通过roscore.xml检查所需的节点是否已在运行,并根据结果是否运行您的节点。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


