
时间:2018-06-22 16:32:21

标签: git


git clone --depth=50 https://my.repo


git remote remove origin
git remote add origin https://my.repo
git push -u origin --all
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (shallow update not allowed)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


# First, shallow-clone the old repo to the depth we want to keep
git clone --depth=50 https://...@bitbucket.org/....git

# Go into the directory of the clone
cd clonedrepo

# Once in the clone's repo directory, remove the old origin
git remote remove origin

# Store the hash of the oldest commit (ie. in this case, the 50th) in a var
START_COMMIT=$(git rev-list master|tail -n 1)

# Checkout the oldest commit; detached HEAD
git checkout $START_COMMIT

# Create a new orphaned branch, which will be temporary
git checkout --orphan temp_branch

# Commit the initial commit for our new truncated history; it will be the state of the tree at the time of the oldest commit (the 50th)
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# Now that we have that initial commit, we're ready to replay all the other commits on top of it, in order, so rebase master onto it, except for the oldest commit whose parents don't exist in the shallow clone... it has been replaced by our 'initial commit'
git rebase --onto temp_branch $START_COMMIT master

# We're now ready to push this to the new remote repo... add the remote...
git remote add origin https://gitlab.com/....git

# ... and push.  We don't need to push the temp branch, only master, the beginning of whose commit chain will be our 'initial commit'
git push -u origin master

在那之后,我做了一个新仓库的新克隆,我只得到了master分支,其中包含最近的50次提交-正是我想要的! :-)提交历史记录已从250MB增加到50MB。哇!

答案 1 :(得分:0)


git fetch --unshallow old


那不是你想要的。要从完整克隆中删除历史记录,您需要使用git rebase有效删除旧历史记录。还有其他方法,但是由于您只希望最后50次提交,因此这是最简单的解决方案。假设master分支:

git rebase --onto master~y master~x master

其中x是要保留的第一次提交的编号,而y是要删除的第一次提交的编号。此时,您可以仅保留您要保留的历史记录到新遥控器。请注意,您将需要自己在git log中枚举提交编号,因为它需要一个索引(从1开始)而不是提交哈希。

