请告诉我为什么我的输出中没有“ none”

时间:2018-06-25 07:14:35

标签: python python-3.x


class SchoolMember:

    def __init__(self,position,name,age):
        self.position = position
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

        print("Adding {} with {} of age as a {}".format(self.name, self.age, self.position))

    def tell(self):

        print("Position: {} | Name: {} | Age: {}".format(self.position, self.name,self.age))

class Teacher:

    def __init__(self,position,name,age,salary):

        self.salary = salary

        print("Adding {} with an age of {} and a salary of {} as a {}".format(self.name,self.age,self.salary,self.position))

    def tell(self):

        print("Salary: {}".format(self.salary))

class Student:

    def __init__(self,position,name,age,marks):

        self.marks = marks

        print("Adding {} with an age of {} and a mark of {} as {}".format(self.name, self.age,self.marks,self.position))

    def tell(self):
        print("Marks: {}".format(self.marks))

All = []

def addTeach():

    runningT = True

    while runningT:

        teachPos = 'Teacher'
        teachName = input('Enter the name of the Teacher: ')
        teachAge = input('Enter the age of the Teacher: ')
        teachSal = input('Enter the Salary of the Teacher: ')

        teachTemp = Teacher(teachPos, teachName, teachAge, teachSal)


        valY = input('Want to add more Teacher?(y/n): ')

        if valY.lower() == 'y':

            runningT = True

        elif valY.lower() == 'n':

            runningT = False

def addStud():

    runningS = True

    while runningS:

        studPos = 'Student'
        studName = input('Enter the name of the Student: ')
        studAge = input('Enter the age of the Student: ')
        studMarks = input('Enter the Marks of the Student: ')

        studTemp = Student(studPos, studName, studAge, studMarks)


        valY = input('Want to add more Student?(y/n): ')

        if valY.lower() == 'y':

            runningS = True

        elif valY.lower() == 'n':

            runningS = False

def show():

    for all in All:


running = True

while running:

    valX = input('Want to add a teacher or a student (s/t/v/n): ')

    if valX.lower() == 't':

    elif valX.lower() == 's':
    elif valX.lower() == 'v':
    elif valX.lower() == 'n':
        running = False


Want to add a teacher or a student (s/t/v/n): t
Enter the name of the Teacher: John Zahmir Olaer
Enter the age of the Teacher: 18
Enter the Salary of the Teacher: 90000
Adding John Zahmir Olaer with 18 of age as a Teacher
Adding John Zahmir Olaer with an age of 18 and a salary of 90000 as a Teacher
Want to add more Teacher?(y/n): y
Enter the name of the Teacher: John Bryan Labe
Enter the age of the Teacher: 17
Enter the Salary of the Teacher: 80000
Adding John Bryan Labe with 17 of age as a Teacher
Adding John Bryan Labe with an age of 17 and a salary of 80000 as a Teacher
Want to add more Teacher?(y/n): n
Want to add a teacher or a student (s/t/v/n): s
Enter the name of the Student: Delfin Razon
Enter the age of the Student: 24
Enter the Marks of the Student: 1.1
Adding Delfin Razon with 24 of age as a Student
Adding Delfin Razon with an age of 24 and a mark of 1.1 as Student
Want to add more Student?(y/n): y
Enter the name of the Student: Robin Bongo
Enter the age of the Student: 17
Enter the Marks of the Student: 2.1
Adding Robin Bongo with 17 of age as a Student
Adding Robin Bongo with an age of 17 and a mark of 2.1 as Student
Want to add more Student?(y/n): n
Want to add a teacher or a student (s/t/v/n): v
Position: Teacher | Name: John Zahmir Olaer | Age: 18
Salary: 90000
Position: Teacher | Name: John Bryan Labe | Age: 17
Salary: 80000
Position: Student | Name: Delfin Razon | Age: 24
Marks: 1.1
Position: Student | Name: Robin Bongo | Age: 17
Marks: 2.1
Want to add a teacher or a student (s/t/v/n): n

Process finished with exit code 0

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)





 class Teacher(SchoolMember):
    def __init__(self,position,name,age,salary):
        self.salary = salary

        # ...

    def tell(self):
        print("Salary: {}".format(self.salary))

答案 1 :(得分:1)
