
时间:2018-07-01 14:06:28

标签: testcafe


例如testcafe e2e/login.test.js,它基本上是一个寄存器,登录有时需要6分钟才能通过,与作者在课程中的15s相比,我发现这非常慢。

import {Selector} from 'testcafe';

const randomstring = require('randomstring');
const username = randomstring.generate();
const email = `${username}@test.com`;
const TEST_URL = process.env.TEST_URL;

test(`should display the sign in form`, async (t) => {
    await t

test(`should allow a user to sign in`, async (t) => {
// register user
    await t
        .typeText('input[name="username"]', username)
        .typeText('input[name="email"]', email)
        .typeText('input[name="password"]', 'test')
// log a user out
    await t
        .click(Selector('a').withText('Log Out'))
// log a user in
    await t
        .typeText('input[name="email"]', email)
        .typeText('input[name="password"]', 'test')
// assert user is redirected to '/'
// assert '/' is displayed properly
    const tableRow = Selector('td').withText(username).parent();
    await t
        .expect(Selector('H1').withText('All Users').exists).ok()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('User Status').exists).ok()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('Log Out').exists).ok()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('Log In').exists).notOk()
// log a user out
    await t
        .click(Selector('a').withText('Log Out'))
// assert '/logout' is displayed properly
    await t
        .expect(Selector('p').withText('You are now logged out').exists).ok()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('User Status').exists).notOk()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('Log Out').exists).notOk()
        .expect(Selector('a').withText('Log In').exists).ok()


(project-tOIAx_A8) ➜  testdriven-app git:(master) ✗ testcafe 'chromium' e2e/login.test.js        
Using locally installed version of TestCafe.
(node:16048) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
 Running tests in:
 - Chrome 67.0.3396 / Linux 0.0.0

 ✓ should display the sign in form
 ✓ should allow a user to sign in

 2 passed (6m 15s)


hammerhead.js:7 WebSocket connection to 'ws://!w!http%3A%2F%2F172.18.0.5/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400


编辑:我在测试的开始和结束处放置了一个.debug(),如果有帮助,请保存一个Performance profile inside Firefox

edit2:如果有帮助,这是performance profile in chromium

enter image description here

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