
时间:2018-07-02 06:37:13

标签: python python-3.x performance raspberry-pi raspberry-pi3


from gpiozero import Button
import time
global t0
t0 = time.clock()
raduis = 300
button = Button (21)
from signal import pause

def calculate_speed(radius):
    global t0
    t1 = time.clock
    interval = t1 - t0
    speed = radius/interval
    print (speed, 'mm/sek')

y = True
while y == True:
    button.when_pressed = calculate_speed(radius)
    #used to prevent one pass of the magnet from recording many passes

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


speed_records = []
def calculate_speed(radius):
    global t0
    t1 = time.clock
    interval = t1 - t0
    speed = radius/interval
    print (speed, 'mm/sek')
    speed_records.append(speed) # Adds one speed record to the list
    if len(speed_records) >= 5: # checks if there are 5 five records available
        last_five_records = speed_records[-5:] # Seperates five last records
        average = sum(last_five_records) / 5
        print('Average Speed:',average) # Prints out the average
    if len(speed_records) > 10: # Free Up some memory
        speed_records = list(set(speed_records) - set(speed_records[:5])) #removes the first five records 

答案 1 :(得分:2)


from gpiozero import Button
from signal import pause
import time

radius = 300
button = Button (21)

iterations = 5
speeds = [0] * iterations
speed_idx = 0

def calculate_speed(radius):
    global speeds, speed_idx
    t1 = time.time()
    speeds[speed_idx] = radius / (t1- t0)
    print (sum(speeds) / iterations, 'mm/sek')
    speed_idx += 1
    speed_idx %= iterations

t0 = time.time()
while True:
    button.when_pressed = calculate_speed(radius)
    t0 = time.time()


另外,如果您想更平滑地测量速度,我想到您可以使用一个值来保存最近N次通过的速度总和,并且每次减去平均值(假设有N个总和) ,然后添加新速度。可能需要多走几步才能稳定下来,但是此后应该可以使报告的速度稍有降低。
