
时间:2018-07-02 20:35:54

标签: vba ms-access frontend






1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Deploy and update a Microsoft Access application in a Citrix environment


Option Explicit

' Launch script for PPT test/development/operation.
' Version 1.3.0
' 2013-09-15
' Cactus Data. Gustav Brock

Const DESKTOP = &H10

Dim objFSO
Dim objAppShell
Dim objDesktopFolder
Dim objLocalAppDataFolder
Dim objLocalFolder
Dim objRemoteFolder

Dim strLocalFolder
Dim strRemoteFolder
Dim strDesktopFolder
Dim strLocalAppDataFolder
Dim strLocalAppDataDsgFolder
Dim strLocalAppDataDsgPptFolder
Dim strDsgSubfolder
Dim strPptSubfolder
Dim strPptAppSubfolder
Dim strPptNcSuffix
Dim strAppName
Dim strAppSuffix
Dim strShortcutName
Dim strAppLocalPath
Dim strAppLocalBackPath
Dim strAppRemotePath
Dim strShortcutLocalPath
Dim strShortcutRemotePath
Dim strRegPath
Dim strRegKey
Dim strRegValue
Dim booNoColour

Dim varValue

' Adjustable parameters.
strDsgSubfolder = "DSG"
strPptSubfolder = "PPT"
strPPtNcSuffix = "NC"
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Uncomment one folder name only:
'strPptAppSubfolder = "Development"
strPptAppSubfolder = "Operations"
'strPptAppSubfolder = "Test"
' ---------------------------------
' Indicate if the script is for the normal version (0) or the no-colour version (1):
booNoColour = 0
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
strRemoteFolder = "K:\_Shared\Sales Planning\Environments\" & strPptAppSubfolder
If booNoColour = 1 Then
  strAppSuffix = strPptNcSuffix
  strAppSuffix = ""
End If
strAppName = "SalesPlanningTool" & strAppSuffix & ".accdb"
If strPptAppSubfolder = "Operations" Then
  If strAppSuffix = "" Then
    strShortcutName = "RunPPT.lnk"
    strShortcutName = "RunPPT " & strAppSuffix & ".lnk"
  End If
  If strAppSuffix = "" Then
    strShortcutName = "RunPPT " & strPptAppSubfolder & ".lnk"
    strShortcutName = "RunPPT " & strAppSuffix & " " & strPptAppSubfolder & ".lnk"
  End If
End If

' Enable simple error handling.
On Error Resume Next

' Find user's Desktop and AppData\Local folder.
Set objAppShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objDesktopFolder = objAppShell.Namespace(DESKTOP)
strDesktopFolder = objDesktopFolder.Self.Path
Set objLocalAppDataFolder = objAppShell.Namespace(LOCALAPPDATA)
strLocalAppDataFolder = objLocalAppDataFolder.Self.Path

' Dynamic parameters.
strLocalAppDataDsgFolder = strLocalAppDataFolder & "\" & strDsgSubfolder
strLocalAppDataDsgPptFolder = strLocalAppDataDsgFolder & "\" & strPptSubfolder
strLocalFolder = strLocalAppDataDsgPptFolder & "\" & strPptAppSubfolder
strAppLocalPath = strLocalFolder & "\" & strAppName
strShortcutLocalPath = strDesktopFolder & "\" & strShortcutName

' Permanent parameters.
strAppRemotePath = strRemoteFolder & "\" & strAppName
strShortcutRemotePath = strRemoteFolder & "\" & strShortcutName

' Create the File System Object.
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strRemoteFolder) Then
  Call ErrorHandler("No access to " & strRemoteFolder & ".")
  Set objRemoteFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strRemoteFolder)
  ' If local folder does not exist, create the folder.
  If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalFolder) Then
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalAppDataDsgFolder) Then
      Set objLocalFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strLocalAppDataDsgFolder)
      If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
        Call ErrorHandler("Folder " & strLocalAppDataDsgFolder & " could not be created.")
      End If
    End If
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalAppDataDsgPPtFolder) Then
      Set objLocalFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strLocalAppDataDsgPptFolder)
      If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
        Call ErrorHandler("Folder " & strLocalAppDataDsgPptFolder & " could not be created.")
      End If
    End If
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalFolder) Then
      Set objLocalFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strLocalFolder)
      If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
        Call ErrorHandler("Folder " & strLocalFolder & " could not be created.")
      End If
    End If
  End If
  Set objLocalFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strLocalFolder)
End If

If Not objFSO.FileExists(strAppRemotePath) Then
  Call ErrorHandler("The application file:" & vbCrLf & strAppRemotePath & vbCrLF & "could not be found.")
  ' Close a running PPT.
  Call KillTask("PPT")
  ' Wait while TaskKill is running twice to close the instance(s) of PPT and PPT Background.
  Call AwaitProcess("taskkill.exe")
  Call KillTask("PPT Background")
  ' Wait while TaskKill is running twice to close the instance(s) of PPT and PPT Background.
  Call AwaitProcess("taskkill.exe")

  ' Copy app to local folder.
  If objFSO.FileExists(strAppLocalPath) Then
    If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
      Call ErrorHandler("The application file:" & vbCrLf & strAppName & vbCrLF & "can not be refreshed/updated. It may be in use.")
    End If
  End If
  If objFSO.FileExists(strAppLocalPath) Then
    Call ErrorHandler("The local application file:" & vbCrLf & strAppLocalPath & vbCrLF & "could not be replaced.")    
    objFSO.CopyFile strAppRemotePath, strAppLocalPath
    If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
      Call ErrorHandler("Application could not be copied to " & strLocalFolder & ".")
    End If
    ' Create copy for PPT Background.
    strAppLocalBackPath = Replace(Replace(strAppLocalPath, ".accdb", ".accbg"), "SalesPlanningTool", "SalesPlanningToolBack")
    objFSO.CopyFile strAppLocalPath, strAppLocalBackPath
    If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
      Call ErrorHandler("Background application could not be copied to " & strLocalFolder & ".")
    End If
  End If

  ' Copy shortcut.
  objFSO.CopyFile strShortcutRemotePath, strShortcutLocalPath
  If Not Err.Number = vbEmpty Then
    Call ErrorHandler("Shortcut could not be copied to your Desktop.")
  End If
End If

' Write Registry entries for Access security.
strRegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Access\Security\"
strRegValue = "VBAWarnings"
strRegPath = strRegKey & strRegValue
varValue = 1
Call WriteRegistry(strRegPath, varValue,"REG_DWORD")

strRegKey = strRegKey & "Trusted Locations\LocationLocalAppData\"
strRegValue = "AllowSubfolders"
strRegPath = strRegKey & strRegValue
varValue = 1
Call WriteRegistry(strRegPath, varValue, "REG_DWORD")

strRegValue = "Date"
strRegPath = strRegKey & strRegValue
varValue = Now
varValue = FormatDateTime(varValue, vbShortDate) & " " & FormatDateTime(varValue, vbShortTime)
Call WriteRegistry(strRegPath, varValue, "REG_SZ")

strRegValue = "Description"
strRegPath = strRegKey & strRegValue
varValue = "Local AppData"
Call WriteRegistry(strRegPath, varValue, "REG_SZ")

strRegValue = "Path"
strRegPath = strRegKey & strRegValue
varValue = strLocalAppDataFolder & "\"
Call WriteRegistry(strRegPath, varValue, "REG_SZ")

' Run PPT.
If objFSO.FileExists(strAppLocalPath) Then
  Call RunApp(strAppLocalPath, False)
  Call ErrorHandler("The local application file:" & vbCrLf & strAppLocalPath & vbCrLF & "could not be found.")    
End If

Set objRemoteFolder = Nothing
Set objLocalFolder = Nothing
Set objLocalAppDataFolder = Nothing
Set objDesktopFolder = Nothing
Set objAppShell = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing


' Supporting subfunctions
' -----------------------

Sub RunApp(ByVal strFile, ByVal booBackground)

  Dim objShell
  Dim intWindowStyle

  ' Open as default foreground application.
  intWindowStyle = 1

  Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  objShell.Run Chr(34) & strFile & Chr(34), intWindowStyle, False
  Set objShell = Nothing

End Sub

Sub KillTask(ByVal strWindowTitle)

  Dim objShell

  Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  objShell.Run "TaskKill.exe /FI ""WINDOWTITLE eq " & strWindowTitle & """", 7, False
  Set objShell = Nothing

End Sub

Sub AwaitProcess(ByVal strProcess)

  Dim objSvc
  Dim strQuery
  Dim colProcess
  Dim intCount

  Set objSvc = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
  strQuery = "select * from win32_process where name='" & strProcess & "'"

    Set colProcess = objSvc.Execquery(strQuery)
    intCount = colProcess.Count
    If intCount > 0 Then
      WScript.Sleep 300
    End If
  Loop Until intCount = 0

  Set colProcess = Nothing
  Set objSvc = Nothing

End Sub

Sub WriteRegistry(ByVal strRegPath, ByVal varValue, ByVal strRegType)
  ' strRegType should be: 
  '   "REG_SZ" for a string
  '   "REG_DWORD" for an integer
  '   "REG_BINARY" for a binary or boolean
  '   "REG_EXPAND_SZ" for an expandable string

  Dim objShell

  Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  Call objShell.RegWrite(strRegPath, varValue, strRegType)

  Set objShell = Nothing

End Sub

Sub ErrorHandler(Byval strMessage)

  Set objRemoteFolder = Nothing
  Set objLocalFolder = Nothing
  Set objLocalAppDataFolder = Nothing
  Set objDesktopFolder = Nothing
  Set objAppShell = Nothing
  Set objFSO = Nothing
  WScript.Echo strMessage

End Sub