在单元格中扩展内部内容iText 7 PDF

时间:2018-07-03 06:53:20

标签: c# .net itext itext7

我仍然在与iText战斗,看起来他在跑过来。 我已经在这里问过这个问题,但很可能这个问题太抽象了,以至于我找不到答案。


public void GenerateTable(SimpleProductVM product)
    // Create the table
    var productTable = new Table(new float[] { 1, 1 })

    // Create a cell of the notes
    var notesCell = CreateNotesCell(product.AdditionalAttributes);

    // Create a cell of the price
    var priceCell = CreatePriceCell(product.Price);

    // Add all of the cells
    productTable.AddRange(notesCell, priceCell);

    var writer = new PdfWriter(PathToFile);
    var pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(writer);
    var document = new Document(pdfDocument);



在每个单元格(notesCell,priceCell)中,我都有一个内部表。我希望此内部表可以扩展到父单元格的大小。 这是我用于创建两个单元格(notesCell,priceCell)的代码:

private Cell CreateNotesCell(IList<ProductAttribute> notes)
    // Create a notes cell
    var notesCell = new Cell()

    // Create an inner table for the notes
    var tableNotes = new Table(1)
        // if I set the width in percent, 
        //then the table is stretched to the width of the parent cell
        // But if I set the height in percent,
        // the table is not stretched to the height of the parent cell!!!!

    // Add a header of the inner table
    tableNotes.AddHeaderCell(new TextCell("Примечание",
        BoldFont, TitleForegroundColor, false));

    // Fill the inner table
    foreach(var note in notes)
        tableNotes.AddCell(new TextCell($"{note.Name}: {string.Join(", ", note.Options)}", 
            LightFont, RegularForegroundColor));

    // Add the inner table to the parent cell

    return notesCell;

private Cell CreatePriceCell(decimal price)
    // Create a price cell
    var priceCell = new Cell()

    // Create an inner table for the price
    var tablePrice = new Table(1)
        // if I set the width in percent, 
        //then the table is stretched to the width of the parent cell
        // But if I set the height in percent,
        // the table is not stretched to the height of the parent cell!!!!

    // Add a header of the inner table
    tablePrice.AddHeaderCell(new TextCell("Цена",
        BoldFont, TitleForegroundColor, false, TextAlignment.RIGHT));

    // Fill the inner table
    tablePrice.AddCell(new TextCell(price.ToString(), 
        LightFont, RegularForegroundColor, true, TextAlignment.RIGHT));

    // Add the inner table to the parent cell

    return priceCell;

正如我在评论中指出的那样,如果您在内表上设置SetWidth(UnitValue.CreatePercentValue (100)),一切都很好-它会延伸到父单元格的整个宽度。但是,如果我设置SetHeight(UnitValue.CreatePercentValue(100)),则内部表不会沿父单元格的高度延伸。 结果如下: enter image description here 在上一个问题中,建议我使用FormXObject,但是我不知道如何将其应用于我的问题,因为使用FormXObject意味着设置最初不知道的绝对大小: var tableTemplate = new PdfFormXObject(new Rectangle(??, ??));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我设法自己解决了这个问题。 现在,每个内部表都没有颜色,我也不想拉伸它。这很可能是最重要的。我非常注意细胞,并决定需要与他们合作。为什么?因为每个单元格的高度都等于该行中某个单元格的最大高度。这就是我所需要的



public class RoundCornerСellRenderer : CellRenderer
    public RoundCornerСellRenderer(Cell modelElement) : base(modelElement)

    public override IRenderer GetNextRenderer() =>
        new RoundCornerСellRenderer((Cell)GetModelElement());

    protected override Rectangle ApplyMargins(Rectangle rect, UnitValue[] margins, bool reverse)
        var values = margins.Select(x => x.GetValue()).ToList();
        return rect.ApplyMargins(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], reverse);

    public override void DrawBackground(DrawContext drawContext)
        // Apply the margins
        var area = ApplyMargins(GetOccupiedAreaBBox(), GetMargins(), false);

        // Get background color
        var background = GetProperty<Background>(Property.BACKGROUND);
        var color = background.GetColor();

        // Draw the rectangle with rounded corners
        var canvas = drawContext.GetCanvas();
        canvas.RoundRectangle(area.GetX(), area.GetY(), area.GetWidth(), area.GetHeight(), 5);


private Cell CreateNotesCell(IList<ProductAttribute> notes)
    // Create a notes cell
    var notesCell = new Cell()
        .SetMargins(20, 10, 20, 20);

    // Set the our custom renderer for the cell
    notesCell.SetNextRenderer(new RoundCornerСellRenderer(notesCell));

    // Create an inner table for the notes
    var tableNotes = new Table(1)

    // Add a header of the inner table
    tableNotes.AddHeaderCell(new TextCell("Примечание",
        BoldFont, TitleForegroundColor, false));

    // Fill the inner table
    foreach(var note in notes)
        tableNotes.AddCell(new TextCell($"{note.Name}: {string.Join(", ", note.Options)}", 
            LightFont, RegularForegroundColor));

    // Add the inner table to the parent cell

    return notesCell;

private Cell CreatePriceCell(decimal price)
    // Create a price cell
    var priceCell = new Cell()
        .SetMargins(20, 20, 20, 10);

    // Set the our custom renderer for the cell
    priceCell.SetNextRenderer(new RoundCornerСellRenderer(priceCell));

    // Create an inner table for the price
    var tablePrice = new Table(1)

    // Add a header of the inner table
    tablePrice.AddHeaderCell(new TextCell("Цена",
        BoldFont, TitleForegroundColor, false, TextAlignment.RIGHT));

    // Fill the inner table
    tablePrice.AddCell(new TextCell(price.ToString(), 
        LightFont, RegularForegroundColor, true, TextAlignment.RIGHT));

    // Add the inner table to the parent cell

    return priceCell;


enter image description here