
时间:2018-07-07 06:30:08

标签: c# sorting collections duplicates


  1. 我需要能够将对象添加到集合中,并根据我选择的对象属性进行排序,知道该属性的值可能会出现多次。
  2. 我需要稍后能够从此集合中删除对象,最好使用已排序对象中内置的IComparer实现。


注释1: 我一直在将IComparer实现用于重复的键,如此处建议的那样: C# Sortable collection which allows duplicate keys


注释#2:我也尝试使用PowerCollections OrderedMultiDictionary类。这并没有使我更接近解决方案,因为我仍然必须在具有重复键的功能(通过自定义IComparer实现)与之后能够从集合中删除对象之间进行选择。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从MS文档获取列表 “表示索引可以访问的对象的强类型列表。提供搜索,排序和操作列表的方法。” 如您所见,重复的属性不是问题。 我上了一堂课。可能是一个结构。在主程序中,我创建了一个列表并添加了对象。我希望这可以满足您的大多数要求。 当从列表中删除项目时,遍历该列表,请使用for后退循环,因为删除项目时索引会更改。

private void TestList()
            List<SomeObject> lst = new List<SomeObject>();
            //Add to the list
            lst.Add(new SomeObject("Mary", "Jones", 50));
            lst.Add(new SomeObject("John", "Smith", 42));
            lst.Add(new SomeObject("James", "Peterson",50));
            lst.Add(new SomeObject("Mary", "Hanes", 62));
            //Sort the list
            var sortedByAge = from obj in lst orderby obj.Age select obj;
            Debug.Print("*****List Sorted by Age*****");
            foreach (SomeObject obj in sortedByAge)
                Debug.Print($"{obj.FirstName} {obj.LastName}'s age is {obj.Age}");
            var sortByLastName = from obj in lst orderby obj.LastName select obj;
            Debug.Print("*****List Sorted by LastName*****");
            foreach (SomeObject obj in sortByLastName)
                Debug.Print($"{obj.LastName}, {obj.FirstName}");
            //Delete from list
            for (int i = lst.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                if (lst[i].FirstName == "Mary")
                { lst.RemoveAt(i); }
            Debug.Print("*****List after Deletes*****");
            foreach (SomeObject item in lst)
                Debug.Print($"{item.FirstName} {item.LastName} {item.Age}");
        public class SomeObject
            public string FirstName { get; set; }
            public string LastName { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
            public SomeObject(string fname, string lname, int age)
                FirstName = fname;
                LastName = lname;
                Age = age;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    public void TestMethod1 ( )

        List<Model> listmodel = new List<Model>( )
            new Model() { Prop1 = "one", Prop2 = 2 },
            new Model() { Prop1 = "one", Prop2 = 6 },
            new Model() { Prop1 = "two", Prop2 = 1 },
            new Model() { Prop1 = "three", Prop2 = 7 },
            new Model() { Prop1 = "four", Prop2 = 6 },
        var output = listmodel.Distinct(  ).ToList( );
        output.ToList( ).ForEach( x => Console.WriteLine( x.ToString( ) ) );


    public class Model
        public string Prop1 { get; set; }
        public int Prop2 { get; set; }
        public string Prop3 { get; set; }
        public string Prop4 { get; set; }

        public override bool Equals ( object obj )
            Model casted = obj as Model;
            if (casted == null) return false; //If cast an object to my model is null, is not my model and is not equal
            if (casted.Prop1 == this.Prop1) return true; //My logic define if the input.Prop1 is equal to my Prop1, this is equal
            return false;

        public override int GetHashCode ( )
            return 1;

        public override string ToString ( )
            return $"{this.Prop1} - {this.Prop2} - {this.Prop3} - {this.Prop4}";



one - 2 -  - 
two - 1 -  - 
three - 7 -  - 
four - 6 -  -


var output = listmodel.Distinct(  ).ToList( );


var output = listmodel.OrderByDescending(x=> x.Prop2).Distinct(  ).ToList( );


three - 7 -  - 
one - 6 -  - 
four - 6 -  - 
two - 1 -  -