Python OpenCV调整大小(插值)

时间:2018-07-08 05:48:02

标签: python opencv image-processing



def next_state(init_input, b_prime, g):
    Returns the observable region of the next state.

    Formats the next state's observable region, defined
    by b_prime, to be of dimension (224, 224, 3). Adding 16
    additional pixels of context around the original bounding box.
    The ground truth box must be reformatted according to the
    new observable region.

    :param init_input:
        The initial input volume of the current episode.

    :param b_prime:
        The subsequent state's bounding box. RED

    :param g:
        The ground truth box of the target object. YELLOW

    # Determine the pixel coordinates of the observable region for the following state
    context_pixels = 16
    x1 = max(b_prime[0] - context_pixels, 0)
    y1 = max(b_prime[1] - context_pixels, 0)
    x2 = min(b_prime[2] + context_pixels, IMG_SIZE)
    y2 = min(b_prime[3] + context_pixels, IMG_SIZE)

    # Determine observable region
    observable_region = cv2.resize(init_input[y1:y2, x1:x2], (224, 224))

    # Difference between crop region and image dimensions
    x1_diff = x1
    y1_diff = y1
    x2_diff = IMG_SIZE - x2
    y2_diff = IMG_SIZE - y2

    # Resize ground truth box
    g[0] = int(g[0] - 0.5 * x1_diff)  # x1
    g[1] = int(g[1] - 0.5 * y1_diff)  # y1
    g[2] = int(g[2] + 0.5 * x2_diff)  # x2
    g[3] = int(g[3] + 0.5 * y2_diff)  # y2

    return observable_region, g 





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


longest = max( x_size, y_size) + 32
scale = 224.0 / longest


center_x = (x1 + x2) / 2
center_y = (y1 + y2) / 2

org_x1 = center_x - longest/2
org_x2 = center_x + longest/2

org_y1 = center_y - longest/2
org_y2 = center_y + longest/2

然后,将坐标为(org_x1,org_y1,org_x2,org_y2)的矩形重新缩放为(224,224)矩形,边界框的角将是16.0 * scale与图像角的偏移量。

好,据我所知,您将init_input[y1:y2, x1:x2]的大小调整为(224,224),并想知道地面真实区域将在哪里。好吧,原本的地面真矩形距离拐角处只有16个像素,所以您必须找到这些新的偏移量,然后完成。

x_offset = 16.0 * 224.0 / (x2-x1)
y_offset = 16.0 * 224.0 / (y2-y1)


您可能会忽略我在除法器上方编写的其余代码,它是在假设您保留x / y比的情况下编写的,而您不是=)

这是第三次尝试弄清您的工作...如果将init_input[y1:y2, x1:x2]缩放为(224,224),则可以计算出转换后任意随机点(x,y)的坐标为:

x_new = (x - x1) * 224.0 / (x2 - x1)
y_new = (y - y1) * 224.0 / (y2 - y1)


x_new = max( 0, min( 224, x_new))
y_new = max( 0, min( 224, y_new))