RDD CountClose花费的时间远远超过请求的超时时间

时间:2018-07-09 05:12:47

标签: scala apache-spark


def countApprox(
    timeout: Long,
    confidence: Double = 0.95): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = withScope {


val waitSecs = 60
val cnt = inputDf.rdd.countApprox(waitSecs * 1000, 0.10).getFinalValue.mean

但是实际时间是.. 17分钟 ??

enter image description here

该时间几乎与最初生成数据所需的时间相同( 19 分钟)!

那么-此api的用途是什么:有什么方法可以使它实际保存 exact 时间计算中有意义的部分?

TL; DR (请参阅接受的答案):使用initialValue代替getFinalValue

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

请注意Hello World! This is test one! 定义中的返回类型。这是部分结果。



def countApprox(
    timeout: Long,
    confidence: Double = 0.95): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = withScope {

根据spark scala doc,getFinalValue是阻止方法,这意味着它将等待完整的操作完成。


val waitSecs = 60
val cnt = inputDf.rdd.countApprox(waitSecs * 1000, 0.10).**getFinalValue**.mean

请注意,使用val waitSecs = 60 val cnt = inputDf.rdd.countApprox(waitSecs * 1000, 0.10).initialValue.mean 的不利之处在于,即使获得该值,它也会继续计数,直到获得您使用countApprox(timeout, confidence).initialValue获得的最终计数为止,并且仍将保留资源直到操作完成。





让我们看看spark ui和spark-shell,所有3个操作都花了相同的时间: All 3 operations took same time

scala> val schema = StructType((0 to 10).map(n => StructField(s"column_$n", StringType))) schema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(column_0,StringType,true), StructField(column_1,StringType,true), StructField(column_2,StringType,true), StructField(column_3,StringType,true), StructField(column_4,StringType,true), StructField(column_5,StringType,true), StructField(column_6,StringType,true), StructField(column_7,StringType,true), StructField(column_8,StringType,true), StructField(column_9,StringType,true), StructField(column_10,StringType,true)) scala> val rows = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq[Row](), 100).mapPartitions { _ => { Range(0, 100000).map(m => Row(schema.map(_ => Random.alphanumeric.filter(_.isLower).head.toString).toList: _*)).iterator } } rows: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at mapPartitions at <console>:32 scala> val inputDf = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema) inputDf: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [column_0: string, column_1: string ... 9 more fields] //Please note that cnt will be displayed only when all tasks are completed scala> val cnt = inputDf.rdd.count cnt: Long = 10000000 scala> val waitSecs = 60 waitSecs: Int = 60 //cntApproxFinal will be displayed only when all tasks are completed. scala> val cntApprxFinal = inputDf.rdd.countApprox(waitSecs * 1000, 0.10).getFinalValue.mean [Stage 1:======================================================> (98 + 2) / 100]cntApprxFinal: Double = 1.0E7 scala> val waitSecs = 60 waitSecs: Int = 60 //Please note that cntApprxInitila in this case, will be displayed exactly after timeout duration. In this case 80 tasks were completed within timeout and it displayed the value of variable. Even after displaying the variable value, it continued will all the remaining tasks scala> val cntApprxInitial = inputDf.rdd.countApprox(waitSecs * 1000, 0.10).initialValue.mean [Stage 2:============================================> (80 + 4) / 100]cntApprxInitial: Double = 1.0E7 [Stage 2:=======================================================>(99 + 1) / 100] 在完成所有任务之前可用。

cntApprxInitial is available before completion of all tasks

