
时间:2018-07-10 10:46:06

标签: generics rust traits



struct Parse<'parse, R: Read + BufRead + 'parse> {
    tokens: Vec<Token>,
    source: Cursor<&'parse mut R>,


以下是上下文中的代码段以及direct link to the playground

// using Cursor because it tracks position internally
use std::io::{Cursor, Read, BufRead};

struct Token {
    start: usize,
    end: usize,

struct Parse<'parse, R: Read + BufRead + 'parse> {
    tokens: Vec<Token>,
    source: Cursor<&'parse mut R>,

impl<'parse, R: Read + BufRead + 'parse> Parse <'parse, R> {
    fn new(source: &'parse mut R) -> Self {
        Parse {
            tokens: vec!(),
            source: Cursor::new(source),

    fn parse_primitive(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Token> {
        let start = self.source.position();
        let bytes = self.source.bytes();                     // <- error raised here

        // dummy work
        for _ in 0..3 {
            let byte = bytes.next().unwrap().unwrap()
        let end = self.source.position();
        Ok(Token { start: start as usize, end: end as usize})

fn main() {


error[E0599]: no method named `bytes` found for type `std::io::Cursor<&'parse mut R>` in the current scope
  --> src/main.rs:24:33
24 |         let bytes = self.source.bytes();
   |                                 ^^^^^
   = note: the method `bytes` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
           `std::io::Cursor<&mut R> : std::io::Read`
           `&mut std::io::Cursor<&'parse mut R> : std::io::Read`


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


= note: the method `bytes` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
        `std::io::Cursor<&mut R> : std::io::Read`
        `&mut std::io::Cursor<&'parse mut R> : std::io::Read`

Read implementation for Cursor<T>仅在T: AsRef<[u8]>时定义。如果添加该约束,则Read实现将可用:

impl<'parse, R: AsRef<[u8]> + BufRead + 'parse> Parse <'parse, R> {
