
时间:2018-07-13 08:33:22

标签: python python-3.x loops


def createTemplate( self, doType = 0, bandNameL = None, bandName430 = None ):

    Loads the archive of each file in a directory.
    Depending on the choice made on initialization, a template will be
    created for one band (of the user's choosing) or all bands.
    Templates are saved in self.directory (either CWD or whatever the user
    wishes) as 1D numpy arrays, .npy. If arguments are not provided for the
    template names (without the .npy suffix), default names will be used.

    Useage of the doType parameter: 0 (default) does both bands and returns a tuple.
    1 does only the L-band.
    2 does only the 430-band.

    print( "Beginning template creation..." )

    # Initialize the file names if given
    nameL = str( bandNameL ) + ".npy"
    name430 = str( bandName430 ) + ".npy"

    # Set the templates to empty arrays
    self.templateProfile430, self.templateProfileL = [], []

    # Set the call counters for the creation scripts to 0
    self._templateCreationScript430.__func__.counter = 0
    self._templateCreationScriptL.__func__.counter = 0

    # Cycle through each file in the stored directory
    for file in os.listdir( self.directory ):
        # Set the file to be a global variable in the class for use elsewhere
        self.file = file

        # Check whether the file is a fits file
        if self.file.endswith( ".fits" ) or self.file.endswith( ".refold" ):

            # Check if the file is a calibration file (not included in the template)
            if self.file.find( 'cal' ) == -1:

                # Open the fits file header
                hdul = fits.open( self.directory + self.file )

                # Get the frequency band used in the observation.
                frequencyBand = hdul[0].header[ 'FRONTEND' ]

                # Close the header once it's been used or the program becomes very slow.

                # Check which band the fits file belongs to
                if frequencyBand == 'lbw' or frequencyBand == 'L_Band':

                    if doType == 0 or doType == 1:
                        self.templateProfileL = self._templateCreationScriptL()

                        # Check if a save name was provided
                        if bandNameL == None:
                            np.save( self.directory + "Lbandtemplate.npy", self.templateProfileL )
                            np.save( self.directory + nameL, self.templateProfileL )
                        print( "L-Band file" )

                elif frequencyBand == '430':

                    if doType == 0 or doType == 2:
                        self.templateProfile430 = self._templateCreationScript430()

                        # Check if a save name was provided
                        if bandName430 == None:
                            np.save( self.directory + "430bandtemplate.npy", self.templateProfile430 )
                            np.save( self.directory + name430, self.templateProfile430 )
                        print( "430-Band file" )

                    print( "Frontend is neither L-Band, nor 430-Band..." )

                print( "Skipping calibration file..." )

            print( "{} is not a fits file...".format( self.file ) )

    # Decide what to return based on doType
    if doType == 0:
        print( "Template profiles created..." )
        return self.templateProfileL, self.templateProfile430
    elif doType == 1:
        print( "L-Band template profile created..." )
        return self.templateProfileL
        print( "430-Band template profile created..." )
        return self.templateProfile430



class Template:

Class for the creation, handling and analysis of pulsar template profiles.
Templates can be created for each frequency band of data in a folder which
can either be the current working directory or a folder of the user's

def __init__( self, directory = None ):

    # Check if the directory was supplied by the user. If not, use current working directory.
    if directory == None:
        self.directory = str( os.getcwd() )
        self.directory = str( directory )

1 个答案:

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>>> import os
>>> path = './python'
>>> for name in os.listdir(path) :
...     newpath = path+'/'+name
...     if os.path.isdir(newpath) :
...             for filename in os.listdir(newpath) :
...                     # do the work
...                     filepath = newpath + '/' + filename
...                     print(filepath)