
时间:2018-07-13 10:45:15

标签: html css twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4


第1列具有:col-sm-9 col-md-8 第2列具有:col-sm-3 col-md-2 order-sm-first 第3列包含:col-xs-12 col-md-2



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                    <h2>Why I Went Into the Lake</h2>
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                    <h2>My Name is NOT Bullwinkle</h2>
                    <img src="./images/elk.jpg" />
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                    <h2>There's Gotta be a Penguin Up Here Somewhere</h2>
                    <img src="./images/snowboarder.jpg" />
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                    <h4 class="range-title">
                        <b>Mountain Ranges</b>

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                        <a href="wasatch-range.html">
                            <img src="./images/range-1.png" />
                            <h4>Wasatch Range</h4>

                        <a href="mummy-range.html">
                            <img src="./images/range-2.png" />
                            <h4>Mummy Range</h4>

                        <a href="front-range.html">
                            <img src="./images/range-3.png" />
                            <h4>Front Range</h4>

                        <a href="sawtooth-range.html">
                            <img src="./images/range-4.png" />
                            <h4>Sawtooth Range</h4>

                        <a href="west-elk-mountains.html">
                            <img src="./images/range-5.png" />
                            <h4>West Elk Mountains</h4>

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                    <img src="./images/icon-bobsled.png" alt="Bobsled" />

                <a href="cross-country.html">
                    <img src="./images/icon-cross-country.png" alt="Cross Country" />
                    <h6>Cross Country</h6>

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1 个答案:

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正如我在评论中所说,.col-md-*适用于大众> = 768,因此对我来说看起来是正确的。参见here


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