Unity 3D Boxcast未注册对象

时间:2018-07-16 08:52:10

标签: unity3d



enter image description here 这是另一张图像,您可以在其中看到角色的碰撞器和其中一个圆柱体的碰撞器。两个对撞机都接触地面,在圆柱体的情况下,它恰好位于地面以下

enter image description here



        // first need to determine if the character that is moving forward collides with
        // an object in the way
        // the character is moving along 'path', which is a series of waypoints
        dir = transform.forward;           
        gizmoBoxHit = Physics.BoxCast(transform.position, new Vector3(1.75f, 1.75f, 0.01f), dir, out boxHit, transform.rotation, 1.75f );
        if ( gizmoBoxHit )
            // here we've correctly determined it hit an object by doing a
            // boxcast forward that is exactly as wide and forward (i think)
            // as the character's collider. I believe its correct because
            // as you can see from the images the character has stopped at the 
            // correct point, just in contact with a cylinder based on the 
            // boxcast.                

            movementPaused = true;
            if (!stopTrying)
                bool foundAround = false; // flag should turn true when way around is found
                float rotateLimit = 180f; // most rotation i want to test
                float rotationInterval = 3f; // increments of rotation tested
                float rotationAdded = 0f; // current cumulative rotation added
                Vector3 currentRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                Vector3 facingDirection = transform.forward.normalized;
                float collidedWidth = boxHit.transform.GetComponent<BasicProperties>().colliderRadius * 2f;
                // testLength is how far away I want to point to be in the 
                // correct direction, the width of the cylinder plus radius of character
                testLength = basicProperties.colliderRadius + collidedWidth; 
                euler = Vector3.zero;
                // loop a cumulative building rotation until you find the
                // correct rotation
                while (!foundAround && rotationAdded < rotateLimit)
                    rotationAdded += rotationInterval;
                    currentRotation.y += rotationInterval;
                    euler = new Vector3(0, rotationAdded, 0);
                    LayerMask wtfLayerMask = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Champions")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("NPCs"));
                    // HERE LIES THE PROBLEM:
                    // BoxCast result should be true until a clear path is found, at which point it should become false. But its becoming false too early,
                    // with too small of a rotationAdded
                    newPathFoundHit = Physics.BoxCast(transform.position, new Vector3(1.75f, 1.7f, 0.01f), facingDirection, out newPathBoxHit, Quaternion.Euler(euler), testLength, wtfLayerMask);
                    if (!newPathFoundHit)
                        foundAround = true;
                // based on rotation determined, figure out the point
                Vector3 vector = transform.forward * testLength;
                vector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotationAdded, Vector3.up) * vector;
                Vector3 globalVector = transform.TransformPoint(vector);

                // draw a cyan sphere to see where the resulint point is.
                GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                sphere.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.cyan;
                sphere.transform.position = globalVector;
                stopTrying = true;

            movementPaused = false;



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