
时间:2018-07-16 19:28:09

标签: sql-server tsql subquery case sql-server-2014


SELECT       A.UserId,
             U.transformerID , 
             U.productID as ProductID,

            (CASE A.Number WHEN 39 THEN 'MEP' WHEN 30 THEN ' Disconnect' 
            ELSE (SELECT (CASE WHEN x.ProductMSP < 0.35  AND datediff(d,x.InsertTime, GETDATE()) < 10 THEN 'MSP' ELSE 'End of Life' END ) as cycle
            FROM Product x where x.ProductSerialNo = u.ProductID and x.UserId = a.UserId) END),
            (select datediff(d,InsertionDateTime, GETDATE()) from Product where productserialno = u.ProductID and userid = A.UserId and datediff(d,InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 60 ),
            (select x.InsertionDateTime from product x where x.productserialno = u.ProductID and x.userid = A.UserId) as InsertDate,
            max(A.DateTime) Date
FROM         [User] U ,
             MMA A,
             product p,
             HealthLinksData h

WHERE A.UserId = U.UserID
AND p.UserId = u.UserID
AND A.Number in (1,30,39)
AND LEN(u.TransformerID ) > 0
AND LEN(u.ProductID) > 0
AND datediff(d,s.InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 20
AND u.ProductID != 7679
AND CONVERT(INT, u.productID) = CONVERT(INT, h.Serial_Batchnumber)
and  SerialNo in (1650,
1918, 1925, 1160, 1919, 1941, 1927, 1195, 1131, 1175, 1985, 1949, 1919, 
1910, 1939, 1212, 1239, 1917, 1919, 1986, 1993, 1926, 1926, 1285, 1268, 
GROUP BY A.UserId, U.TransformerID, u.SensorID, A.Number, A.Name 
ORDER BY max(A.DateTime) desc

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


SELECT       A.UserId,
         U.transformerID , 
         U.productID as ProductID,

        (CASE A.Number WHEN 39 THEN 'MEP' WHEN 30 THEN ' Disconnect' 
        ELSE (SELECT (CASE WHEN x.ProductMSP < 0.35  AND datediff(d,x.InsertTime, GETDATE()) < 10 THEN 'MSP' ELSE 'End of Life' END ) as cycle
        FROM Product x where x.ProductSerialNo = u.ProductID and x.UserId = a.UserId) END),
        (select datediff(d,InsertionDateTime, GETDATE()) from Product where productserialno = u.ProductID and userid = A.UserId and datediff(d,InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 60 ),
        (select x.InsertionDateTime from product x where x.productserialno = u.ProductID and x.userid = A.UserId) as InsertDate,
        max(A.DateTime) Date
FROM         [User] U ,
         MMA A,
         product p,
         HealthLinksData h

WHERE A.UserId = U.UserID
AND p.UserId = u.UserID
AND A.Number in (30,39)
AND LEN(u.TransformerID ) > 0
AND LEN(u.ProductID) > 0
AND datediff(d,s.InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 20
AND u.ProductID != 7679
AND CONVERT(INT, u.productID) = CONVERT(INT, h.Serial_Batchnumber)
and  SerialNo in (1650,
1918, 1925, 1160, 1919, 1941, 1927, 1195, 1131, 1175, 1985, 1949, 
1910, 1939, 1212, 1239, 1917, 1919, 1986, 1993, 1926, 1926, 1285, 1268, 
GROUP BY A.UserId, U.TransformerID, u.SensorID, A.Number, A.Name 
ORDER BY max(A.DateTime) desc


SELECT       A.UserId,
         U.transformerID , 
         U.productID as ProductID,

        (CASE A.Number WHEN 39 THEN 'MEP' WHEN 30 THEN ' Disconnect' 
        ELSE (SELECT (CASE WHEN x.ProductMSP < 0.35  AND datediff(d,x.InsertTime, GETDATE()) < 10 THEN 'MSP' ELSE 'End of Life' END ) as cycle
        FROM Product x where x.ProductSerialNo = u.ProductID and x.UserId = a.UserId) END),
        (select datediff(d,InsertionDateTime, GETDATE()) from Product where productserialno = u.ProductID and userid = A.UserId and datediff(d,InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 60 ),
        (select x.InsertionDateTime from product x where x.productserialno = u.ProductID and x.userid = A.UserId) as InsertDate,
        max(A.DateTime) Date
FROM         [User] U ,
         MMA A,
         product p,
         HealthLinksData h

WHERE A.UserId = U.UserID
AND p.UserId = u.UserID
AND A.Number in (1) and not exist(select * from MMA A2 where A2.UserId = A.UserId and A2.Number in (30,39)
AND LEN(u.TransformerID ) > 0
AND LEN(u.ProductID) > 0
AND datediff(d,s.InsertTime, GETDATE()) > 20
AND u.ProductID != 7679
AND CONVERT(INT, u.productID) = CONVERT(INT, h.Serial_Batchnumber)
and  SerialNo in (1650,
1918, 1925, 1160, 1919, 1941, 1927, 1195, 1131, 1175, 1985, 1949, 1919, 
1910, 1939, 1212, 1239, 1917, 1919, 1986, 1993, 1926, 1926, 1285, 1268, 
GROUP BY A.UserId, U.TransformerID, u.SensorID, A.Number, A.Name 
ORDER BY max(A.DateTime) desc