
时间:2018-07-24 20:15:54

标签: python amazon-dynamodb boto3


使用这个问题:Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap

我为firstDay <= :end and lastDay >= :start提出了FilterExpression

def create(self, start=None, days=30):
    # Create the start/end times
    if start is None:
        start = datetime.utcnow()
    elif isinstance(start, datetime) is False:
        raise ValueError('Start time must either be "None" or a "datetime"')
    end = start + timedelta(days=days)

    # Format the start and end string "YYYYMMDD"
    start = str(start.year) + str('%02d' % start.month) + str('%02d' % start.day)
    end = str(end.year) + str('%02d' % end.month) + str('%02d' % end.day)

    # Search the database for overlap
    days = self.connection.select(
        filter='firstDay <= :end and lastDay >= :start',
            ':start': {'N': start},
            ':end': {'N': end}

    # if we get one or more days then there is overlap
    if len(days) > 0:
        raise ValueError('There looks to be a time overlap')

    # Add the item to the database
        "firstDay": {"N": start},
        "lastDay": {"N": end}


seasons = dynamodb.Seasons()
seasons.create(start=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=50))


def select(self, conditions='', filter='', attributes={}, names={}, limit=1, select='ALL_ATTRIBUTES'):
    Select one or more items from dynamodb
    # Create the condition, it should contain the datatype hash
    conditions = self.hashKey + ' = :hash and ' + conditions if len(conditions) > 0 else self.hashKey + ' = :hash'
    attributes[':hash'] = {"S": self.hashValue}
    limit = max(1, limit)

    args = {
        'TableName': self.table,
        'Select': select,
        'ScanIndexForward': True,
        'Limit': limit,
        'KeyConditionExpression': conditions,
        'ExpressionAttributeValues': attributes
    if len(names) > 0:
        args['ExpressionAttributeNames'] = names
    if len(filter) > 0:
        args['FilterExpression'] = filter

    return self.connection.query(**args)['Items']



  TableName: 'test-table',
  AttributeDefinitions: [{
    AttributeName: 'dataType',
    AttributeType: 'S'
  }, {
    AttributeName: 'created',
    AttributeType: 'S'
  KeySchema: [{
    AttributeName: 'dataType',
    KeyType: 'HASH'
  }, {
    AttributeName: 'created',
    KeyType: 'RANGE'
  ProvisionedThroughput: {
    ReadCapacityUnits: 5,
    WriteCapacityUnits: 5

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

好像您正在设置LIMIT = 1。您可能会用它说“只返回找到的第一个匹配项”。实际上,将“限制”设置为1意味着您只会评估在查询中找到的第一项(即在分区值范围内)。您可能需要删除该限制,以便评估分区范围内的每个项目是否重叠。
