Angular 5动态字段过滤器搜索

时间:2018-07-27 08:40:39

标签: angular search filter angular5

长话短说,我想复制Football Manager的高级球员搜索。示例-列出可能要过滤的字段,如下所示:

Sorry for the Portuguese words but I wasn't able to change it to english. It's just a list of fields you'd like to filter by ( Like %wins, goals, assists, games played. - And the list on the left are the different field groups, like Stats, General, Personal Info, etc)


Please forget about the Column full of "E"s. The Row whose first value is "Idade" has the selected fields (Age, Position, %Wins, Goals ...), the Column whose 1st value is "No máximo" is the one with the desired filter logic ("is At least"/"is at most", "is", etc). The Last Column is the desired filter (a number, a list of values, a range, etc)




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