
时间:2018-07-30 15:41:08

标签: excel excel-vba

我在A5的A列中有一个Excel文档,其中包含区域列表(Område是瑞典语的“区域”)。然后在B5到AZ5列(将来可能还会有更多)中,我有名字。如果名称下方有“ x”,则它们负责相应的区域。可能存在只有一个“ x”,多个“ x”或没有“ x”的区域。 第1-3行包含我按下以浏览电子表格的按钮,第4行为空,但这仅仅是化妆品。

Example of how the source Excel document looks

我的想法是什么。浏览文档并查找“ x”。创建一个新文档,其中列出的A列中的Areas和第5行中的Name作为文件名。我还希望将单元格A5复制到新文档中的单元格A1中,单元格B1应该包含“名称”,而单元格C1应该包含当前日期,因此我知道文件的创建时间。

Example on how the new document should look



  1. 看起来B5单元格中包含一些东西
  2. 创建新的工作表并将信息从源A5和B5复制到A1和B1,并在新文件中将日期设置为C1
  3. 在源中查找“ x”,并将带有“ x”的行复制到新的第一行,然后将B2的内容清除到新的BB300中,以消除所有的“ x”。 / li>
  4. 创建一个新工作簿并将新工作表移至新工作簿并保存。
  5. 为单元格C5,D5等重复1-4,直到AZ5。

我最多可以重复33次,然后该项目使用了超过64K的数据,所以我将其拆分为两个按钮,一个按钮用于B到Z,然后一个按钮用于AA到AZ。 我当前代码的示例

Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsNewSht1 As Worksheet
Dim FName           As String
Dim FPath           As String
Dim NewBook         As Workbook
Dim Answer As String
Set wsSource = Worksheets(1)
FPath = "C:\Listor" 'Which path to save to
Datum = "yy-MM-DD" 'Format for the date in C1
Rensa = "B2:BB300" 'Deletes everything from B2 to BB300 so you get rid of un-needed "x". Shange if you need more or less

If IsEmpty(Range("B5")) = False Then 'Start of Kolumn B

Set wsNewSht1 = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)) 'Adds a new sheet last
wsNewSht1.Name = "A"      'Renames the new sheet to "A"
wsSource.Range("A5").Copy Destination:=wsNewSht1.Range("A1") 'Copying Cell A5 to the new sheet so you get the "Area"
wsSource.Range("B5").Copy Destination:=wsNewSht1.Range("B1") 'Copying Cell B5 to the new sheet so you get the name from B5
wsNewSht1.Cells(1, 3).Value = Format(Now, Datum) 'Adds today's date in cell C1
a = Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Counts how many rows in column A that are in use

For i = 2 To a
    If Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 2).Value = "x" Then 'If "x" is in the column B...
        Worksheets(1).Rows(i).Copy 'Copying the rows containing "x"
        Worksheets("A").Activate 'Activates sheet "A"
        b = Worksheets("A").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Counts where the first empty cell is
        Worksheets("A").Cells(b + 1, 1).Select 'Choose where to paste
        ActiveSheet.Paste 'Paste the copied rows to the active sheet("A")
        ActiveSheet.Range(Rensa).Clear 'Removes all "x" from sheet "A"
    End If
 Next i

    Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add 'Creates the new file to where we will move the sheet "A" to.
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("A").Move After:=NewBook.Sheets(1) 'Moves the sheet "A" to the new file
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Disables popup alerts for the next line
    NewBook.Worksheets(1).Delete 'Removes the original sheet from the new workbook, so our moved one is the only
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'Enables popup alerts again
    Application.Goto Reference:=Worksheets("A").Range("A1"), Scroll:=True 'Goes to the top of the document
    Worksheets("A").Activate 'Activates sheet "A"
    FName = Sheets(1).Range("B1") & ".xlsx" 'Sets the filename to the content of cell B1 and add file extension xlsx
            If Dir(FPath & "\" & FName) <> "" Then
            MsgBox "File " & FPath & "\" & FName & " already exists" 'If the filename already exists
            NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName 'Saving he new document in "FPath" as "FName"
        End If

Application.CutCopyMode = False 'emptying clipboard
    Answer = MsgBox("Cell B5 is Empty." & vbNewLine & "Do you want to check cell C5?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "The cell is empty")
    If Answer = vbNo Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Exit Sub
        End If

End If 'End of column B

'After here it runs the same code with minor changes to check the next column and so, from C5, D5, E5 and on to AZ5

If IsEmpty(Range("C5")) = False Then


  1. 无需粘贴所有“ x”,然后清除文档的很大一部分,但我还没有想过仅粘贴“ A”列的内容
  2. 如果没有“ x”,我仍将使用名称和日期创建一个新文档,但是当然没有区域。如果没有“ x”,我根本不需要新文档。我猜可以用一些更聪明的If AND Else来解决。
  3. 我想我可以跳过创建新工作表,而直接进入新工作簿。
  4. 虽然1、2和3是次要的装饰,但我的大问题是: 我认为可以这样:如果单元格B5包含名称,并且在B列中至少有一个“ x”,则“运行这段创建新文档的代码”,否则/否则,出现一个消息框,询问我是否要检查下一个单元格(在本例中为C5),并自动执行此操作,直到第5行的下一个空单元格为止。



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