
时间:2018-07-31 23:44:25

标签: mysql sql subquery aggregate-functions


id | person_id | datum        | value   | changed_on | 
1  | 1         | 'first_name' | 'Jane'  | 2018-06-12 | 
2  | 1         | 'last_name'  | 'Smith' | 2018-06-12 | 
3  | 1         | 'age'        | '29'    | 2018-06-12 | 
4  | 1         | 'is_married' | '0'     | 2018-06-12 | 
5  | 1         | 'is_married' | '1'     | 2018-07-28 | 
6  | 1         | 'last_name'  | 'Blow'  | 2018-07-28 | 
(repeat for other person_ids, etc.)
(ignore the fact that 29, 0 and 1 are technically text which is not optimal, I know)

我正在尝试获取每个datum的最后一个person_id。可以换位,但不一定要换位。我进行了一些研究,并came across one method(通过changed_on获取最新行。对我来说是

select *
from changes
where id in (
  select max(id)
  from changes
  group by person_id, datum


select *
from changes
where id in (
  select id, max(changed_on)
  from changes
  group by person_id, datum
); /* somehow need the id of the max change */


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select c.*
from changes c
where (person_id, datum, changed_on) in (
          (select c2.person_id, c2.datum, max(c2.changed_on)
           from changes c2
           group by c2.person_id, c2.datum