
时间:2018-08-01 06:48:34

标签: eigen rcpp armadillo

我正在尝试使用RcppArmadillo编写MCMC过程,该过程涉及计算约30,000 x 30,000稀疏矩阵的对数行列式。似乎Armadillo中的log_det()目前不支持sp_mat,所以我正在执行以下操作:

// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <RcppEigen.h>
using namespace arma;

double eigen_ldet(sp_mat arma_mat) {
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> eigen_s = Rcpp::as<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>>(Rcpp::wrap(arma_mat));
  Eigen::SparseLU<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver;
  double det = solver.logAbsDeterminant();
  return det;


编辑: 这是样机:


m_mat = function(i = 1688, j = 18, rho = 0.5, alp = 0.5){
  w1 = matrix(runif(i^2),nrow = i, ncol = i)
  w2 = matrix(runif(j^2),nrow = j, ncol = j)
  w1 = w1/rowSums(w1)
  w2 = w2/rowSums(w2)
  diag(w1) = 0
  diag(w2) = 0
  w1 = diag(i) - rho*w1
  w2 = diag(j) - alp*w2
  w1 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(j)), w1)
  w2 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(i)), w2)
  ind = matrix(c(rep(seq(1,i), each = j), rep(seq(1,j),i)), ncol = 2)
  w2 = cbind(ind, w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  w2 = cbind(as.matrix(ind), w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  return(w1 + w2)


m_mat2 = function(i = 1688, j = 18, nb = 4, range = 10, rho = 0.5, alp = 0.5){
  w1 = Matrix(0, nrow = i, ncol = i)
  for ( h in 1:i){
   rnd = as.integer(rnorm(nb, h, range))
   rnd = ifelse(rnd > 0 & rnd <=  i, rnd, h)
   rnd = unique(rnd)
   w1[h, rnd] = 1
  w1 = w1/rowSums(w1)
  w2 = matrix(runif(j^2),nrow = j, ncol = j)
  w2 = w2/rowSums(w2)
  diag(w1) = 0
  diag(w2) = 0
  w1 = diag(i) - rho*w1
  w2 = diag(j) - alp*w2
  w1 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(j)), w1)
  w2 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(i)), w2)
  ind = matrix(c(rep(seq(1,i), each = j), rep(seq(1,j),i)), ncol = 2)
  w2 = cbind(ind, w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  w2 = cbind(as.matrix(ind), w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  return(w1 + w2)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

从我的实验中,我发现从Armadillo到本征矩阵的转换非常快。大部分时间都花在solver.compute()中。我不知道是否有任何更快的算法来确定稀疏矩阵的对数行列式,但是我发现了至少近似适用于您的模型的近似值:仅使用(密集)块对角线(请参见例如{ {3}},以包含矩阵的其他部分。如果一个近似的解决方案是足够的,那将是非常好的和快速的:

// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <RcppEigen.h>
#include <Rcpp/Benchmark/Timer.h>
using namespace arma;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double arma_sldet(sp_mat arma_mat, int blocks, int size) {
  double ldet = 0.0;
  double val = 0.0;
  double sign = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < blocks; ++i) {
    int begin = i * size;
    int end = (i + 1) * size - 1;
    sp_mat sblock = arma_mat.submat(begin, begin, end, end);
    mat dblock(sblock);
    log_det(val, sign, dblock);
    ldet += val;
  return ldet;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List eigen_ldet(sp_mat arma_mat) {
  Rcpp::Timer timer;
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> eigen_s = Rcpp::as<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>>(Rcpp::wrap(arma_mat));
  Eigen::SparseLU<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver;
  double det = solver.logAbsDeterminant();
  Rcpp::NumericVector res(timer);
  return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("log_det") = det,
                            Rcpp::Named("timer") = res);

/*** R

m_mat = function(i = 1688, j = 18, rho = 0.5, alp = 0.5){
  w1 = matrix(runif(i^2),nrow = i, ncol = i)
  w2 = matrix(runif(j^2),nrow = j, ncol = j)
  w1 = w1/rowSums(w1)
  w2 = w2/rowSums(w2)
  diag(w1) = 0
  diag(w2) = 0
  w1 = diag(i) - rho*w1
  w2 = diag(j) - alp*w2
  w1 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(j)), w1)
  w2 = kronecker(Matrix(diag(i)), w2)
  ind = matrix(c(rep(seq(1,i), each = j), rep(seq(1,j),i)), ncol = 2)
  w2 = cbind(ind, w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  w2 = cbind(as.matrix(ind), w2)
  w2 = w2[order(w2[,2]),]
  w2 = t(w2[, -c(1,2)])
  return(w1 + w2)
m <- m_mat(i = 200)
system.time(eigen <- eigen_ldet(m))
system.time(arma <- arma_sldet(m, 18, 200))
all.equal(eigen$log_det, arma)
m <- m_mat()
#eigen_ldet(m) # takes to long ...
system.time(arma <- arma_sldet(m, 18, 1688))


> m <- m_mat(i = 200)

> system.time(eigen <- eigen_ldet(m))
   user  system elapsed 
  3.703   0.049   3.751 

> system.time(arma <- arma_sldet(m, 18, 200))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.059   0.012   0.019 

> diff(eigen$timer)/1000000
 conversion      solver     log_det 
   5.208586 3738.131168    0.582578 

> all.equal(eigen$log_det, arma)
[1] "Mean relative difference: 0.002874847"



> m <- m_mat()

> #eigen_ldet(m) # takes to long ...
> system.time(arma <- arma_sldet(m, 18, 1688))
   user  system elapsed 
  5.965   2.529   2.578 


// [[Rcpp::export]]
double arma_sldet_diag(sp_mat arma_mat) {
  vec d(arma_mat.diag());
  return sum(log(d));

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果您的计算机上有足够的内存(例如32+ Gb),并且可以快速实施LAPACK(例如:OpenBLAS或Intel MKL),那么一种快速而肮脏的方法是将稀疏矩阵转换为密集矩阵,并在密集矩阵上计算对数行列式。


sp_mat X = sprandu(30000,30000,0.01);

cx_double log_result = log_det( mat(X) );

虽然这显然需要占用大量内存,但优点是它避免了耗时的稀疏求解器/分解。 OpenBLAS或MKL也将利用多个内核。
