
时间:2018-08-15 03:03:31

标签: python python-3.x


plates = [100, 45, 35, 25, 10, 5, 2.5]
goal_weight = 425
starting_weight = 45
while goal_weight > starting_weight:


示例:250 = 45lb bar(starting_weight),两个100lb板,两个2.5lb板          425 = 45lb bar,两个100lb,四个45lb


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这里有个小程序,可以找到合适的重量盘组合。请注意功能zip,该功能zip将重量板数量列表和重量列表结合在一起。 list(zip(nweights, weights))形成一个元组列表,例如[(4, 100), (0, 45) ... (0, 2), (0, 2.5)]

weights=[100, 45, 35, 25, 10, 5, 2, 2.5]
targetweight = int(input('What is the target weight: '))

nweights = []
remaining = targetweight
for  i, weight in enumerate(weights):
    nweights.append(int(remaining/ weight))
    remaining = remaining - nweights[i]*weights[i]
    if remaining == 0:

listweights=zip(nweights, weights)
for weight in listweights:
    print(f'you need {weight[0]} of weight {weight[1]} pound')

if remaining !=0:
    print(f'the correct weight combination cannot be found,'
          f'the remaining weight is: {remaining} pound')

答案 1 :(得分:0)


weights=[100, 45, 35, 25, 10, 5, 2.5]
target_weight = int(input('How much weight do you need? '))
bar_weight = int(input('Enter bar weight: '))

nweights = []
remaining = target_weight - bar_weight
for  i, weight in enumerate(weights):
    if int(remaining / weight) % 2 == 0:
        nweights.append(int(remaining/ weight))
        nweights.append(int(remaining/ weight) - 1)
    remaining = remaining - nweights[i]*weights[i]
    if remaining == 0:

listweights=zip(nweights, weights)
print(f'{bar_weight}lb bar')
for weight in listweights:
    if weight[0] >= 2:
        print(f"{weight[0]} | {weight[1]}'s")

if remaining !=0:
    print(f'the correct weight combination cannot be found,'
          f'the remaining weight is: {remaining} pound')

答案 2 :(得分:0)

是的,我认为您的解决方案有效,尽管以下代码段可能更合逻辑... (使用一些numpy数组方法)

$str = 'DisplayText="cf font="Arial" size="10" complexscriptsfont="Arial" complexscriptssize="10" asiantextfont="Arial" fontcolor="595959"">';
$splitted = explode('"', $str);
$splittedSize = count($splitted);
$result = $splitted[0].'"'.implode('"',array_slice($splitted,1,$splittedSize-2)).$splitted[$splittedSize-1].'"';
echo $result;