
时间:2018-08-16 10:52:24

标签: angular google-cloud-firestore

我有以下Angular 6代码,该代码运行Firestore事务以在用户单击上/下按钮时插入/更新/删除用户的投票。我如何确定交易是否成功提交?如果失败,runTransaction会在底部的catch块中抛出异常吗?

我问的原因是,当我缓慢单击向上/向下按钮时,代码可以正常工作,但是当我快速连续单击它们时会出现问题。我会在控制台中看到很多“ documents:commit 400()” HTTP错误消息,即使某些事务未提交,程序流似乎也将其移到then()块中。


vote(username, recipeId, direction) {

  let value;
  let valueChange;

  if ( direction == 'up' ) {
    value = 1;

  if ( direction == 'down' ) {
    value = -1;

  // assemble vote object to be recorded in votes collection
  const voteObj: Vote = { username: username, recipeId: recipeId , value: value };

  // get reference to vote document. Note custom path.
  const votePath = `votes/${username}_${recipeId}`;
  const voteDocRef = this.afs.doc(votePath).ref;

  this.afs.firestore.runTransaction(transaction =>

    transaction.get(voteDocRef).then(voteDoc => {

      if (!voteDoc.exists) {

        // This is a new vote, so add it to the votes collection
        transaction.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
        valueChange = value;

      } else {

        const voteData = voteDoc.data();

        if ( voteData.value == value ) {

          // existing vote is the same as the button that was pressed, so delete
          // the vote document
          valueChange = (-value);

        } else {

          // existing vote is the opposite of the one pressed, so update the
          // vote doc
          transaction.set(voteDocRef, voteObj);
          valueChange = (value*2);


      return valueChange;

      .then(valueChange => {
        /* Success? */
        console.log('valueChange ' + valueChange)
      .catch(err => {


更新:随着我对此的投入越来越大,我逐渐相信我发布的代码可以正确处理提交失败-或至少在以下情况下它才会到达then()部分:交易成功。我已经意识到,限制用户单击“ upvote” /“ downvote”按钮的速度几乎可以完全缓解问题,无论如何都是一件好事。因此,我在投票按钮上实现了一个自定义指令,该指令仅允许每秒单击一次。我基于https://coryrylan.com/blog/creating-a-custom-debounce-click-directive-in-angular上的代码,除了我使用debounceTime而不是使用throttleTime之外。

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