
时间:2018-08-18 04:29:50

标签: c# unity3d vectormath

我有一个点(A)和一个向量(V)(假设它是无限长),并且我想找到直线上与原始点(A)最接近的点(B)。使用Unity Vector2或Vector3的最简单的表达式是什么?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


如果您的线具有无限长且具有 start direction ,请计算线方向的点积,然后将其乘以该方向,然后将起点加到该点上

public Vector2 FindNearestPointOnLine(Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, Vector2 point)
    Vector2 lhs = point - origin;

    float dotP = Vector2.Dot(lhs, direction);
    return origin + direction * dotP;


如果您的行的长度是有限的,并且从 start end 的位置,请执行从起点到终点的投影。另外,使用Mathf.Clamp可以拍手,以防线路断开。

public Vector2 FindNearestPointOnLine(Vector2 origin, Vector2 end, Vector2 point)
    //Get heading
    Vector2 heading = (end - origin);
    float magnitudeMax = heading.magnitude;

    //Do projection from the point but clamp it
    Vector2 lhs = point - origin;
    float dotP = Vector2.Dot(lhs, heading);
    dotP = Mathf.Clamp(dotP, 0f, magnitudeMax);
    return origin + heading * dotP;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

// For finite lines:
Vector3 GetClosestPointOnFiniteLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 line_start, Vector3 line_end)
    Vector3 line_direction = line_end - line_start;
    float line_length = line_direction.magnitude;
    float project_length = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(point - line_start, line_direction), 0f, line_length);
    return line_start + line_direction * project_length;

// For infinite lines:
Vector3 GetClosestPointOnInfiniteLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 line_start, Vector3 line_end)
    return line_start + Vector3.Project(point - line_start, line_end - line_start);

答案 2 :(得分:0)




确保要寻找的点上面有对撞机;然后可以将射线投射的距离设置为using UnityEngine; public class Raycasting : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private LayerMask pointMask; //Set this to the same tag as any GameObject you consider a "point" private Vector2 pointA, distance; private void Update() { CheckForPoint(); Debug.Log(distance); } private void CheckForPoint() { pointA = transform.position; //The GameObject's current position in the world RaycastHit2D pointB = Physics2D.Raycast(pointA, Vector2.right * Mathf.Sign(transform.localScale.x), Mathf.Infinity, pointMask); //Draws a visible ray in the game view (must have gizmos enabled) Debug.DrawRay(pointA, Vector2.right * Mathf.Sign(transform.localScale.x), Color.green); if (pointB) { distance = (Vector2)pointB.transform.position - pointA; } } } (或您想要的任何其他长度),并且Mathf.Infinity将是射线与之碰撞的第一个对象。

您可以阅读有关pointB API here的更多信息,尽管相同的方法也适用于3D。
