
时间:2009-02-06 04:24:52

标签: java multithreading concurrency

我写了几个Java类 - SingleThreadedComputeMultithreadedCompute - 来证明事实(或者我一直认为是事实!)如果你并行化以计算为中心(没有我/ O)单核机器上的任务,你没有得到加速。事实上,我的理解是并行化这些任务实际上会减慢速度,因为现在你必须处理上下文切换开销。好吧,我运行了类,并行版本出乎意料地运行得更快:单线程版本在我的机器上一直运行超过7秒,并且多线程版本在我的机器上一直运行超过6秒。任何人都能解释一下这是怎么回事吗?


public final class SingleThreadedCompute {
    private static final long _1B = 1000000000L; // one billion

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        long total = 0;
        for (long i = 0; i < _1B; i++) { total += i; }
        System.out.println("total=" + total);

        long elapsedMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;
        System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + elapsedMs + " ms");


public final class MultithreadedCompute {
    private static final long _1B = 1000000000L; // one billion
    private static final long _100M = _1B / 10L;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        System.out.println("Creating workers");
        Worker[] workers = new Worker[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            workers[i] = new Worker(i * _100M, (i+1) * _100M);

        System.out.println("Starting workers");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { workers[i].start(); }

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Joined with thread " + i);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* can't happen */ }

        System.out.println("Summing worker totals");
        long total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { total += workers[i].getTotal(); }
        System.out.println("total=" + total);

        long elapsedMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;
        System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + elapsedMs + " ms");

    private static class Worker extends Thread {
        private long start, end;
        private long total;

        public Worker(long start, long end) {
            this.start = start;
            this.end = end;

        public void run() {
            System.out.println("Computing sum " + start + " + ... + (" + end + " - 1)");
            for (long i = start; i < end; i++) { total += i; }

        public long getTotal() { return total; }


Elapsed time: 7031 ms


Creating workers
Starting workers
Computing sum 0 + ... + (100000000 - 1)
Computing sum 100000000 + ... + (200000000 - 1)
Computing sum 200000000 + ... + (300000000 - 1)
Computing sum 300000000 + ... + (400000000 - 1)
Computing sum 400000000 + ... + (500000000 - 1)
Computing sum 500000000 + ... + (600000000 - 1)
Computing sum 600000000 + ... + (700000000 - 1)
Computing sum 700000000 + ... + (800000000 - 1)
Computing sum 800000000 + ... + (900000000 - 1)
Computing sum 900000000 + ... + (1000000000 - 1)
Joined with thread 0
Joined with thread 1
Joined with thread 2
Joined with thread 3
Joined with thread 4
Joined with thread 5
Joined with thread 6
Joined with thread 7
Joined with thread 8
Joined with thread 9
Summing worker totals
Elapsed time: 6172 ms


  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional版本2002,SP3
  • Dell Precision 670
  • Intel Xeon CPU 2.80GHz,1 MB L2缓存




总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:7000毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:7031毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6922毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6968毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6938毫秒


总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6047毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6141毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6063毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6282毫秒

总= 499999999500000000 经过时间:6125毫秒

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


来自维基百科on hyper-threading



来自维基百科on piplining



答案 1 :(得分:3)




为了完整起见,这是您的代码在OS / X 10.5.6下的双核mac mini上提供的内容

527 $ java MultithreadedCompute
Creating workers
Starting workers
Computing sum 100000000 + ... + (200000000 - 1)
Computing sum 0 + ... + (100000000 - 1)
Computing sum 400000000 + ... + (500000000 - 1)
Computing sum 200000000 + ... + (300000000 - 1)
Computing sum 500000000 + ... + (600000000 - 1)
Computing sum 600000000 + ... + (700000000 - 1)
Computing sum 700000000 + ... + (800000000 - 1)
Computing sum 800000000 + ... + (900000000 - 1)
Computing sum 900000000 + ... + (1000000000 - 1)
Computing sum 300000000 + ... + (400000000 - 1)
Joined with thread 0
Joined with thread 1
Joined with thread 2
Joined with thread 3
Joined with thread 4
Joined with thread 5
Joined with thread 6
Joined with thread 7
Joined with thread 8
Joined with thread 9
Summing worker totals
Elapsed time: 3217 ms
528 $ java SingleThreadedCompute
Elapsed time: 5651 ms
529 $ 


答案 2 :(得分:3)

我尝试关闭JIT,就像Pax在上面的评论中所建议的那样。 Pax,如果你想快速发布“关闭JIT”答案,我会相信你的解决方案。



总= 49999999.5亿 经过时间:17094毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经历时间:17109毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经过时间:17219毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经过时间:17375毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经历时间:17125毫秒


总= 49999999.5亿 经历时间:18719毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经过时间:18750毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经历时间:18610毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经过时间:18890毫秒

总= 49999999.5亿 经历时间:18719毫秒


答案 3 :(得分:1)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


public class ThreadedWorkers {
    private static final long _1B = 1000000000L; // one billion
    private static final long _100M = _1B / 10L;

    enum ThreadMode { SINGLE, SEQUENTIAL, MULTI };

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        final long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ThreadMode mode = args.length == 0 ? ThreadMode.SINGLE : ThreadMode.valueOf(args[0].toUpperCase());

        final long total = computeTotal( mode );

        System.out.println("total=" + total);

        long elapsedMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;

        System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + elapsedMs + " ms");

    public static long computeTotal (ThreadMode mode) throws InterruptedException {
        Worker[] workers = new Worker[10];

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            workers[i] = new Worker(i * _100M, (i+1) * _100M);

        switch (mode) {
            case SINGLE: {
                for (Worker worker : workers )


            case SEQUENTIAL:{
                for (Worker worker : workers ) {


            case MULTI: {
                for (Worker worker : workers )

                for (Worker worker : workers )


        System.out.println("Summing worker totals");

        long total = 0;

        for (Worker worker : workers )
            total += worker.getTotal();

        return total;

    static class Worker extends Thread {
        private long start, end, total;

        public Worker(long start, long end) {
            this.start = start;
            this.end = end;

        public void run() {
            System.out.println("Computing sum " + start + " + ... + (" + end + " - 1)");
            for (long i = start; i < end; i++) { total += i; }

        public long getTotal() { return total; }

这仍然比多个顺序或单个运行得更快(在eee pc 900 - 23对13秒上大约10秒),即使顺序执行相同的方法多次相同的次数。

答案 5 :(得分:0)

仅仅因为它很有趣......来自8核服务器类机器的结果。 AMD 2.7GHz上海cpus

Creating workers
Starting workers
Computing sum 0 + ... + (100000000 - 1)
Computing sum 100000000 + ... + (200000000 - 1)
Computing sum 300000000 + ... + (400000000 - 1)
Computing sum 500000000 + ... + (600000000 - 1)
Computing sum 600000000 + ... + (700000000 - 1)
Computing sum 200000000 + ... + (300000000 - 1)
Computing sum 800000000 + ... + (900000000 - 1)
Computing sum 700000000 + ... + (800000000 - 1)
Computing sum 900000000 + ... + (1000000000 - 1)
Computing sum 400000000 + ... + (500000000 - 1)
Joined with thread 0
Joined with thread 1
Joined with thread 2
Joined with thread 3
Joined with thread 4
Joined with thread 5
Joined with thread 6
Joined with thread 7
Joined with thread 8
Joined with thread 9
Summing worker totals
Elapsed time: 444 ms