
时间:2018-08-20 06:02:58

标签: react-native redux-saga

我正在使用redux-saga从我的React Native应用程序中的简单json服务器获取数据。看起来提取成功,但是我无法提取正在返回的响应对象中寻找的数据。 以下是我的生成器函数中的代码:

requie("//address of the image in your project")


function* loadOpenItemsSaga(action) {
  try {
    const response = yield call(fetch, baseUrl + 'thingsList', { method: 'GET'});
    console.log('loadOpenItemsSaga successful', response);
    yield put({ type: ActionTypes.ACTION_SUCCESS, resp: response });
  } catch (error) {
    const errorMessage = { code: error.code, message: error.message };
    console.log('loadOpenItemsSaga fail', errorMessage);
    yield put({ type: ActionTypes.ACTION_FAILURE, error: errorMessage });


10:55:59:   loadOpenItemsSaga successful Response {
10:55:59:   "_bodyBlob": Blob {
10:55:59:     "_data": Object {
10:55:59:       "blobId": "eb3d53ce-ecc8-4e48-9f53-1c9b4129d300",
10:55:59:       "offset": 0,
10:55:59:       "size": 1429,
10:55:59:     },
10:55:59:   },
10:55:59:   "_bodyInit": Blob {
10:55:59:     "_data": Object {
10:55:59:       "blobId": "eb3d53ce-ecc8-4e48-9f53-1c9b4129d300",
10:55:59:       "offset": 0,
10:55:59:       "size": 1429,
10:55:59:     },
10:55:59:   },
10:55:59:   "headers": Headers {
10:55:59:     "map": Object {
10:55:59:       "access-control-allow-credentials": Array [
10:55:59:         "true",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "cache-control": Array [
10:55:59:         "public, max-age=0",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "connection": Array [
10:55:59:         "keep-alive",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "content-type": Array [
10:55:59:         "application/json; charset=utf-8",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "date": Array [
10:55:59:         "Mon, 20 Aug 2018 05:25:59 GMT",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "etag": Array [
10:55:59:         "W/\"595-QGa7N/U2dPsbWUU83//t6RMzYwQ\"",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "expires": Array [
10:55:59:         "-1",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "transfer-encoding": Array [
10:55:59:         "chunked",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "vary": Array [
10:55:59:         "Origin",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "x-content-type-options": Array [
10:55:59:         "nosniff",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:       "x-powered-by": Array [
10:55:59:         "Express",
10:55:59:       ],
10:55:59:     },
10:55:59:   },
10:55:59:   "ok": true,
10:55:59:   "status": 200,
10:55:59:   "statusText": undefined,
10:55:59:   "type": "default",
10:55:59:   "url": "http://localhost:3001/thingsList",
10:55:59: }

如何从Response对象提取数据? response.json()无法正常工作

关于, 拉什米

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