Power BI自定义视觉

时间:2018-08-21 14:49:17

标签: typescript powerbi powerbi-custom-visuals


我正在尝试在Power BI中创建一个新的自定义外观,它是量规外观,但是允许使用不同的颜色填充量规。一切正常,一件事!这就是根据Power BI设置的值将格式应用于要显示的值。当我调用valueFormatter.format(123)函数时,我的自定义外观消失了,PBIVIZ没有报告任何错误。


enter code module powerbi.extensibility.visual {

"use strict";

import ValueFormatter = powerbi.extensibility.utils.formatting.valueFormatter;
import IValueFormatter = powerbi.extensibility.utils.formatting.IValueFormatter;

export class Visual implements IVisual {

    private host: IVisualHost;
    private svg: d3.Selection<SVGElement>;
    private container: d3.Selection<SVGElement>;
    private textValue: d3.Selection<SVGElement>;

    private visualSettings: VisualSettings;

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {

        this.svg = d3.select(options.element)
            .classed('circleCard', true);

        this.container = this.svg.append("g")
            .classed('container', true);

        this.textValue = this.container.append("text")
            .classed("textValue", true);

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {

        let dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];

        this.visualSettings = VisualSettings.parse<VisualSettings>(dataView);

        // Grab the width and height of the element.
        let width: number = options.viewport.width;
        let height: number = options.viewport.height;

        // Set the width and height of element to the SVG viewport.
            width: width,
            height: height

        // Height, width and radius of the gauge
        let tWidth: number = width / 2;
        let tHeight: number = height - 1;
        let radius: number = height;

        // Make sure the gauge fits within the view.
        if (radius > (width / 2))
            radius = tWidth;

        // Define the inner and outer radius of the gauge.
        let oRadius: number = radius;
        let iRadius: number = radius / 1.5;

        // Trying to format the number! :(
        let valueFormatter: IValueFormatter = ValueFormatter.create({
            format: "0.00"

        // Commenting out this line makes it work!

        // Display the value used for the arc calculation.
                x: '50%',
                y: tHeight - (iRadius / 3),
                dy: '0.35em', 'text-anchor': 'middle'
                'font-size': (iRadius / 30) + 'em',
                'font-family': 'Arial',
                'fill': '#ffffff'


    private static parseSettings(dataView: DataView): VisualSettings {
        return VisualSettings.parse(dataView) as VisualSettings;

     * This function gets called for each of the objects defined in the capabilities files and allows you to select which of the 
     * objects and properties you want to expose to the users in the property pane.
    public enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration {
        const settings: VisualSettings = this.visualSettings || VisualSettings.getDefault() as VisualSettings;
        return VisualSettings.enumerateObjectInstances(settings, options);


现在,如果我注释掉控制台行,则会显示该文本,并且不添加注释,该文本将不会显示。我遵循了“ powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingutils”的安装指南。


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