JIT SignalR集线器发送和接收

时间:2018-08-22 02:47:55

标签: c# .net-core signalr-hub signalr.client signalr-2



编辑:如果您不知道我所说的JIT发送和   接收中,




  1. SubscribeToAll(在下面查看TickerHub.cs)是我有新数据通知并向客户端发出蜂鸣声时呼叫的地方吗?
  2. 我知道异步WriteToChannel的工作方式。基本上,它逐项发送一个集合到客户端。关键问题是,如何将整个功能转换为JIT?在哪里可以订阅该中心的客户列表?

当前,TickerHub.cs会不断检索数据集(名为CurrencyPairs),然后将其无限期广播到客户端。我有一个后台服务,可以同步和更新CurrencyPairs 24/7。我只需要SignalR专家的帮助来解释/显示如何从后台服务调用集线器,然后允许集线器向连接的客户端广播新数据。


public class TickerHub : Hub, ITickerHubClient
    private IEnumerable<CurrencyPair> _currencyPairs;
    private readonly ICurrencyPairService _cpService;

    public TickerHub(ICurrencyPairService cpService)
        _cpService = cpService;

    public async Task<NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>> Tickers(IEnumerable<CurrencyPair> currencyPairs = null)
        var nozRes = new NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>()
            Success = true,
            ResultType = NozomiResultType.Success,
            Data = currencyPairs

        return nozRes;

    // We can use this to return a payload
    public async Task<ChannelReader<NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>>> SubscribeToAll()
        // Initialize an unbounded channel
        // Unbounded Channels have no boundaries, allowing the server/client to transmit
        // limitless amounts of payload. Bounded channels have limits and will tend to 
        // drop the clients after awhile.
        var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>>();

        _ = WriteToChannel(channel.Writer); // Write all Currency Pairs to the channel

        // Return the reader
        return channel.Reader;

        // This is a nested method, allowing us to write repeated methods
        // with the same semantic conventions while maintaining conformity.
        async Task WriteToChannel(ChannelWriter<NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>> writer)
            // Pull in the latest data
            _currencyPairs = _cpService.GetAllActive();

            // Iterate them currency pairs
            foreach (var cPair in _currencyPairs)
                // Write one by one, and the client receives them one by one as well
                await writer.WriteAsync(new NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>()
                    Success = (cPair != null),
                    ResultType = (cPair != null) ? NozomiResultType.Success : NozomiResultType.Failed,
                    Data = new[] {cPair}

            // Beep the client, telling them you're done


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Nozomi.Client.Data.Interfaces;
using Nozomi.Data;
using Nozomi.Data.CurrencyModels;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Nozomi.Client
    public class NozomiClient
        private CancellationToken _tickerStreamCancellationToken;
        private string ServerPath;
        private HubConnection _hubConnection;

        public NozomiClient(string serverPath)
            ServerPath = serverPath;
            _hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()

        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            await _hubConnection.StartAsync();

        public async Task StreamTickers()
            // Setup the channel for streaming
            var streamTickerChannel = await _hubConnection.StreamAsChannelAsync<NozomiResult<CurrencyPair>>("SubscribeToAll", CancellationToken.None);

            // Setup the asynchronous data stream
            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/signalr/streaming?view=aspnetcore-2.1#net-client
            //while (await streamTickerChannel.WaitToReadAsync())
            //    while (streamTickerChannel.TryRead(out var cp))
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cp));
            //    }

            _hubConnection.On<CurrencyPair>("SubscribeToAll", cp =>

            while (!_tickerStreamCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (await streamTickerChannel.WaitToReadAsync())
                    while (streamTickerChannel.TryRead(out var cp))


        public ICurrencyPair CurrencyPairs { get; }

        public ISource Sources { get; }

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