
时间:2011-03-04 16:52:02

标签: flex actionscript collision

我在舞台上有两张图片......根据下面的代码,我可以选择并IMG1拖入IMG2,迫使第二个IMG2水平移动,同时有一个检测到碰撞。 但是,问题在于IMG2不会在其碰撞检测中让IMG1变形。我看不出我做错了什么。 另外,如果我想在舞台上使用2个以上的IMG来运行这个测试怎么样呢?它们的完整数组如何具有拖放功能并运行hittest来逐个推动它们。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="test()">
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import model.ModelLocator;

    public var modelLocator:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance();

    public var mouseXCoords:int = 0;

    public var mouseYCoords:int = 0;

    public var yOffset:int = 70;

    public var holderMid:int = 147;

    public function hitTestIMG1(yourEvent:Event):void
        if(IMG1.hitTestObject(IMG2)) {
            if(IMG1.x < IMG2.x-(IMG2.width/2)) {
                trace("LEFT SIDE!!!");
                trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x);
                trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width);
                trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x);
                trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width);
                IMG2.x = IMG1.x+(IMG1.width);
            } else 
            if(IMG1.x > IMG2.x+(IMG2.width/2)) {
                trace("RIGHT SIDE!!!");
                trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x);
                trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width);
                trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x);
                trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width);
                IMG2.x = IMG1.x-(IMG2.width);

    public function hitTestIMG2(yourEvent:Event):void
        if(IMG2.hitTestObject(IMG1)) {
            if(IMG2.x < IMG1.x-(IMG1.width/2)) {
                trace("LEFT SIDE!!!");
                trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x);
                trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width);
                trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x);
                trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width);
                IMG1.x = IMG2.x+(IMG2.width);
            } else 
            if(IMG2.x > IMG1.x+(IMG1.width/2)) {
                trace("RIGHT SIDE!!!");
                trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x);
                trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width);
                trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x);
                trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width);
                IMG1.x = IMG2.x-(IMG1.width);

    public function IMG1Start(IMGMove:Event):void

    public function IMG1Stop(IMGStop:Event):void

        // check to see the closeness to the bracelet
        if(IMG1.y < (holderMid + yOffset) && IMG1.y > (holderMid - yOffset)) 
            IMG1.y=holderMid; // set it to bracelet
        } else {
            // just stop dragging

    public function IMG2Start(IMGMove:Event):void

    public function IMG2Stop(IMGStop:Event):void
        if(IMG2.y < (holderMid + yOffset) && IMG2.y > (holderMid - yOffset))
            IMG2.y=holderMid; // set it to bracelet
        } else {
            // just stop dragging

    public function mouseCoords(mouseUpdate:Event):void
        mouseXCoords = myCanvas.mouseX;
        mouseYCoords = myCanvas.mouseY;

    public function test():void
        // stage listeners - must be set on startup!!!
        IMG1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestIMG1);
        IMG2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestIMG2);

        stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseCoords);

        mouseXCoord.text = mouseXCoords as String;
        mouseYCoord.text = mouseYCoords as String;

<mx:Canvas x="144" y="100" width="863" height="386" 
    borderColor="white" borderThickness="3" 
    <mx:Image x="252" y="147" width="76" id="IMG1" buttonMode="true" 
    <mx:Image x="429" y="147" id="IMG2" buttonMode="true"
<mx:Label x="144" y="27" text="Mouse X: " width="64"/>
<mx:Label x="144" y="53" text="Mouse Y: " width="64"/>
<mx:Label x="216" y="27" id="mouseXCoord" text="{mouseXCoords}"/>
<mx:Label x="216" y="53" id="mouseYCoord" text="{mouseYCoords}"/>  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="test()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.Sprite; import model.ModelLocator; public var modelLocator:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance(); [Bindable] public var mouseXCoords:int = 0; [Bindable] public var mouseYCoords:int = 0; public var yOffset:int = 70; [Bindable] public var holderMid:int = 147; public function hitTestIMG1(yourEvent:Event):void { if(IMG1.hitTestObject(IMG2)) { if(IMG1.x < IMG2.x-(IMG2.width/2)) { trace("LEFT SIDE!!!"); trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x); trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width); trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x); trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width); IMG2.x = IMG1.x+(IMG1.width); } else if(IMG1.x > IMG2.x+(IMG2.width/2)) { trace("RIGHT SIDE!!!"); trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x); trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width); trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x); trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width); IMG2.x = IMG1.x-(IMG2.width); } } } public function hitTestIMG2(yourEvent:Event):void { if(IMG2.hitTestObject(IMG1)) { if(IMG2.x < IMG1.x-(IMG1.width/2)) { trace("LEFT SIDE!!!"); trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x); trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width); trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x); trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width); IMG1.x = IMG2.x+(IMG2.width); } else if(IMG2.x > IMG1.x+(IMG1.width/2)) { trace("RIGHT SIDE!!!"); trace("IMG1: " + IMG1.x); trace("IMG1 Width: " + IMG1.width); trace("IMG2: " + IMG2.x); trace("IMG2 Width: " + IMG2.width); IMG1.x = IMG2.x-(IMG1.width); } } } public function IMG1Start(IMGMove:Event):void { IMG1.startDrag(); } public function IMG1Stop(IMGStop:Event):void { IMG1.stopDrag(); // check to see the closeness to the bracelet if(IMG1.y < (holderMid + yOffset) && IMG1.y > (holderMid - yOffset)) { trace("SNAP!"); IMG1.y=holderMid; // set it to bracelet } else { // just stop dragging } } public function IMG2Start(IMGMove:Event):void { IMG2.startDrag(); } public function IMG2Stop(IMGStop:Event):void { IMG2.stopDrag(); if(IMG2.y < (holderMid + yOffset) && IMG2.y > (holderMid - yOffset)) { trace("SNAP!"); IMG2.y=holderMid; // set it to bracelet } else { // just stop dragging } } public function mouseCoords(mouseUpdate:Event):void { mouseXCoords = myCanvas.mouseX; mouseYCoords = myCanvas.mouseY; } public function test():void { // stage listeners - must be set on startup!!! modelLocator.currentIMGs.addItem(IMG1); modelLocator.currentIMGs.addItem(IMG2); IMG1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestIMG1); IMG2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestIMG2); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseCoords); mouseXCoord.text = mouseXCoords as String; mouseYCoord.text = mouseYCoords as String; } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:Canvas x="144" y="100" width="863" height="386" borderColor="white" borderThickness="3" id="myCanvas" backgroundImage="assets/test.jpg"> <mx:Image x="252" y="147" width="76" id="IMG1" buttonMode="true" source="assets/IMG8.png" mouseDown="IMG1Start(event)" mouseUp="IMG1Stop(event)" mouseOut="IMG1Stop(event)"/> <mx:Image x="429" y="147" id="IMG2" buttonMode="true" source="assets/IMG12.png" mouseDown="IMG2Start(event)" mouseUp="IMG2Stop(event)" mouseOut="IMG2Stop(event)"/> </mx:Canvas> <mx:Label x="144" y="27" text="Mouse X: " width="64"/> <mx:Label x="144" y="53" text="Mouse Y: " width="64"/> <mx:Label x="216" y="27" id="mouseXCoord" text="{mouseXCoords}"/> <mx:Label x="216" y="53" id="mouseYCoord" text="{mouseYCoords}"/> </mx:Application>

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