
时间:2018-08-22 23:15:34

标签: c++ c++builder c++builder-5 tcheckbox

我使用Borland C ++ Builder 5编写了一个C ++程序。该程序动态创建TCheckBox对象的数组。我试图编写一个OnClick事件处理程序,该事件处理程序将确定单击了哪个复选框,并根据该事件执行一些指令。我的事件处理程序基于与该网站类似的帖子,但是我似乎无法使其正常工作。


// Header declaration
void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender); 
// End Header

// CBoxClick function (the event handler)

void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){
    if (dynamic_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender)!=NULL){
        //Do stuff
        Form1 -> Debug -> Text = "Object is not a TCheckBox";         

void ChkBoxInit(void){
    int i;                                            //Loop counter index
    TCheckBox* ChkBx[NCARDS];                         //Define array of type checkboxes
    for(i = 0; i < NCARDS; i++){                      //Initalize each checkbox
        ChkBx[i] = new TCheckBox(Form1);              //Create a new checkbox
        ChkBx[i] -> Parent = Form1;                   //Define parent of checkbox
        ChkBx[i] -> Tag = i;                          //Set value of Tag to index
        //  Other CheckBox parameters here such as Height, Width, Top, Left, Name are here
        //  Next, call event handler. I've tried the following 2 statements with the comment results
        ChkBx[i] -> OnClick = CBoxClick(ChkBx[i]);    //  Results in E2109: Not an allowed type
        ChkBx[i] -> OnClick = CBoxClick;              /* Alternate try - Results in E2034: Cannot convert
                                                        'void (_fastcall *)(TObject *)' to 
                                                        'void (_fastcall * (_closure )(TObject *))(TObject *)'  */
    }                                                 //End of for loop
}                                                     //End of function

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




class TForm1 : public TForm
    void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender); // <-- add this


void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){


void __fastcall TForm1::CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){


ChkBx[i]->OnClick = CBoxClick;


ChkBx[i]->OnClick = Form1->CBoxClick;

您尝试的第一个语法(OnClick = CBoxClick(ChkBx[i]);)完全是错误的,因为您实际上是在调用 CBoxClick(),然后尝试分配其void返回值到OnClick,显然是行不通的。您需要将CBoxClick()地址分配给OnClick,这仅适用于非静态类方法,不适用于独立函数(嗯,可以做到,但它需要使用TMethod结构进行类型转换黑客攻击的不同代码。


void __fastcall TForm1::CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){
    TCheckBox *cb = static_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender);
    //Do stuff with cb...


class TForm1 : public TForm
    void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender); // <-- moved here
    __fastcall TForm1(TComponent *Owner); // <-- constructor

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent *Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)
    TCheckBox* ChkBx[NCARDS];                         //Define array of type checkboxes
    for(int i = 0; i < NCARDS; i++){                  //Initalize each checkbox
        ChkBx[i] = new TCheckBox(this);               //Create a new checkbox
        ChkBx[i] -> Parent = this;                    //Define parent of checkbox
        ChkBx[i] -> Tag = i;                          //Set value of Tag to index
        //  Other CheckBox parameters here such as Height, Width, Top, Left, Name are here
        //  Next, setup event handler
        ChkBx[i]->OnClick = CBoxClick;
    }                                                 //End of for loop

void __fastcall TForm1::CBoxClick(TObject *Sender)
    TCheckBox *cb = static_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender);
    // Do stuff with cb...

答案 1 :(得分:0)


`// .h文件----------------

class TForm1 : public TForm
__published:    // IDE-managed Components
        TButton *Deal;
        TButton *Reset;
        TButton *Help;
        TButton *Quit;
        TEdit *Debug;
        void __fastcall QuitClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall ResetClick(TObject *Sender);
private:    // User declarations
public:     // User declarations
  __fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);
  void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender);  //CheckBox Event Handler prototype

// .cpp文件----------------

  void ChkBoxInit(void){
    int i;                                         //Loop counter index
    TCheckBox* ChkBx[NCARDS];                      //Define array of type checkbox
    for(i = 0; i < NCARDS; i++){                   //Initalize each checkbox
      ChkBx[i] = new TCheckBox(Form1);             //Create a new checkbox
      ChkBx[i] -> Parent = Form1;                  //Define parent of checkbox

// ..... Various parameters of ChkBx[i] go here (height, Width, Top, Left, etc.)

      ChkBx[i] -> Tag = i;                         //Use index value as tag
`     ChkBx[i] -> OnClick = Form1 -> CBoxClick;    //Assign OnClick event to CBoxClick
    }                                              //End of for loop
  }                                                //End of function

//  Event Handler ------------------

 void __fastcall TForm1::CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){
   if (static_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender)!=NULL){
     Form1 -> Debug -> Text =  (static_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender) -> Name);
     Form1 -> Debug -> Text = "Object is not a TCheckBox";