
时间:2018-08-23 19:58:59

标签: swift protocol-oriented


class Holder<T: AnyObject> {
    var value: T? = nil

    init() {
        self.value = nil

    init(_ value: T) {
        self.value = value

protocol ObjectWithValue: class {
    var string: String { get }

class MyObject: ObjectWithValue {
    var string: String = "test"

let object = MyObject()
let holder1 = Holder(object)

let objectByProtocol: ObjectWithValue = object
let holder2 = Holder(objectByProtocol) // <- Error

let holder3 = Holder<ObjectWithValue>() // <- Error
holder2.value = object

使用Xcode 10 Beta 6时出现以下错误:

ClassType.playground:25:15: Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Holder<_>' with an argument list of type '(ObjectWithValue)'

ClassType.playground:27:15: 'Holder' requires that 'ObjectWithValue' be a class type


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