
时间:2018-08-30 02:46:12

标签: html css centering




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              <a href="https://redcross.carto.com/viz/3ea45828-7769-4f92-9170-bec6c63dfc9a/public_map">
                <img src="img/arcban2.jpg" alt="" style="image-orientation: center">
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                  <h3>Diaspora Mapping RC</h3>
                  <span>A project for the Red Cross that designed maps of the distribution of selected diaspora populations across the United States. The map was used by large numbers of volunteers to coordinate outreach programs.</span>
              <a href="index_search.html">
                <img src="img/qcwide.png" alt="">
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                  <h3>Quiet Contractors Directory</h3>
                  <span>Project for small non-profit focused on noise polution to create a directory/webmap of environmentally friendly contractors across the US.</span>
              <a href="MukigavMutooroMap-July2017.pdf">
                <img src="img/kasiisibanner2.png" alt="">
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                  <h3>Tribal Map Western Uganda</h3>
                  <span>A map produced for the Kasiisi project, a small NGO in Uganda. This map outlines the spatial patterns in different tribes in the region. This data was derived from a survey I oversaw that was distributed using XML forms in ODK. </span>

              <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7Cuy5AO88Y">
                <img src="img/TED_banner-resized.png" alt="">
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                  <h3>TED Talk Nauru</h3>
                  <span>A TED talk outlining the results and reflections from a project I created. The project was focused on mapping the environmental degredation on Nauru, a small island nation in the South Pacific.</span>

              <a href="A)%20Report_Living_Situation_Refugee_Camps_2017.pdf">
                <img src="img/UNHCR_banner2.png" alt="">
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                  <h3>Refugee Camp Report</h3>
                  <span>An analysis of quality of life patterns in Syrian refugee camps, developed for a class at Clark University. The results of this project were submitted to UNHCR.</span>
              <a href="Cape_Cod_Sand.mp4">
                <img src="img/nps-banner-2.png" alt="">
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                  <h3>Analysis of changing seashore patterns</h3>
                  <span> Analyzed the effects of sea level rise on Nauset Spit for the North Atlantic Coastal Lab for Cape Cod National Seashore. The project involved exstensive research of historical maps and arial imagary.</span>

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        <h1 class="mb-5"><a href="GISPortfolioCDICKINSON_V2.zip">Download Zip</a></h1>

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3 个答案:

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<img class="center_img" ..... />


    margin: y_margin_values auto;

margin设置两个值会将第一个值设置为顶部和底部,第二个值设置为左侧和右侧。将左右值设置为auto<img>置于其容器的中心。如果仍然不起作用,请设置其父级<a>或父级<li>' to have的宽度:100%'或您想要的任何宽度。

答案 1 :(得分:0)





.portfolio-list li a img
  display: block;
  margin: 0px auto;

将图片设置为您li的背景> a


因此,您可以应用以下CSS,确保我们需要分别为每个background-image设置li。并可以将img旁边的li a元素移除。

.portfolio-list li a
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  height: 230px;

.portfolio-list li a.first
  background-image: url('http://corey-dickinson.com/img/arcban2.jpg');

.portfolio-list li a.second
  background-image: url('http://corey-dickinson.com/img/qcwide.png');
//And so on for other li.

答案 2 :(得分:0)


.portfolio-list li a {
    text-align: center;