
时间:2018-09-05 18:06:45

标签: opengl glsl spir-v

我正在尝试使用SPIR-V 专业化常数来定义统一块中数组的大小。

#version 460 core

layout(constant_id = 0) const uint count = 0;

layout(binding = 0) uniform Uniform
    vec4 foo[count];
    uint bar[count];

void main() {}

在着色器中声明为count = 0时,编译失败并显示为:

array size must be a positive integer

使用count = 1和5的特殊化,可以编译代码,但是在运行时链接失败,并出现别名别名:

error: different uniforms (named Uniform.foo[4] and Uniform.bar[3]) sharing the same offset within a uniform block (named Uniform) between shaders
error: different uniforms (named Uniform.foo[3] and Uniform.bar[2]) sharing the same offset within a uniform block (named Uniform) between shaders
error: different uniforms (named Uniform.foo[2] and Uniform.bar[1]) sharing the same offset within a uniform block (named Uniform) between shaders
error: different uniforms (named Uniform.foo[1] and Uniform.bar[0]) sharing the same offset within a uniform block (named Uniform) between shaders



layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform Uniform
    layout(offset = 0) vec4 foo[count];
    layout(offset = count) uint bar[count];

这是预期的行为吗?忽视了? 可以使用专业化常量来定义数组的大小吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这是ARB_spir_v的古怪之处。来自the extension specification




基本上,您可以使用特殊化常量使数组比默认数组短,但不能使它们比 longer 长。而且即使您将它们缩短,它们仍然会占用默认空间。
