
时间:2018-09-07 21:27:07

标签: excel vba


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
'Get Length and Width sizes
length_count = Range("K15").Value
width_count = Range("K17").Value
MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count
'Copy the image located at cell T4
'Select cell range (starting at T6) as defined length and width values
Worksheets("Drawing").Range(Cells(6, 20), Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + 
length_count - 1)).Select
'Paste image into each cell in defined range
MsgBox "Drawing complete"
End Sub



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim pic As Variant

'Get Length and Width sizes
length_count = Range("K15").Value
width_count = Range("K17").Value
MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

For Each pic In Worksheets("Drawing").Shapes
    If Not Intersect(Range(pic.TopLeftCell, pic.BottomRightCell), Worksheets("Drawing").Range(Cells(6, 20), Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1))) Is Nothing Then
    End If
Next pic

End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
'Get Length and Width sizes
length_count = Range("K15").Value
width_count = Range("K17").Value
MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count
'Copy the image located at cell T4 and paste it into each cell in defined range
Worksheets("Drawing").Range("T4").Copy Worksheets("Drawing").Range(Cells(6, 20), Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1))
MsgBox "Drawing complete"
End Sub


Sub AddPics()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim length_count As Integer
    Dim width_count As Integer
    Dim pic() As Variant
    Dim picName As String
    Dim index As Long
    Dim xFilename As String
    Dim i As Long

    Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
    picName = "InsertedImage"
    'xFilename = "your pics name"   'By default I made it to open the explorer window to choose the picture
                                    'If you want to made it a permanent choice write there its name without extension
                                    'With this code it's going to choose the file with that name in the same folder
                                    'as is the workbook
                                    'The extension is jpg
                                    'If you have a different, modify the code or change so that you write the name with the extensinon
                                    'It is not a problem if explorer windows is used

    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes
        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value, , , , , 1)
        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        ReDim pic(1 To length_count * width_count)


        'Copy the image located at cell T4 and paste it into each cell in defined range

        .Pictures.Insert(openDialog(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path)).Select 'Open the dialog window
        '.Pictures.Insert(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & xFilename & ".jpg").Select
        Selection.Name = picName & 1
        Set pic(1) = .Shapes(picName & 1)

        ' It resizes the pictures to fit the cells, you may remove this part or modify it
        If .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Height > .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Width Then
            pic(1).Width = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Width
            pic(1).Height = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Height
        End If

        pic(1).Top = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Top
        pic(1).Left = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(1).Left

        For i = 2 To length_count * width_count
            Set pic(i) = pic(1).Duplicate
            pic(i).Name = picName & i
            pic(i).Top = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(i).Top
            pic(i).Left = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)).Cells(i).Left
        Next i


    End With

        MsgBox "Drawing complete"
End Sub

Sub DeletePics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim picName As String
Dim i As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes
        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value, , , , , 1)
        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        For i = 1 To length_count * width_count
                .Shapes(picName & i).Delete
        Next i

    End With

End Sub

Sub DeleteAllInsertedPics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim pic As Variant

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    With ws

        For Each pic In .Shapes
            If Left(pic.Name, Len(picName)) = picName Then
            End If
        Next pic

    End With

End Sub

Private Function openDialog(defaultPath As String)
    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog

    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

   With fd

      .AllowMultiSelect = False

      ' Set the title of the dialog box.
      .Title = "Please select the file."

      ' Default path
      .InitialFileName = defaultPath

      ' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
      .Filters.Add "pictures", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png"
      .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"

      ' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
      ' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
      ' False, the user clicked Cancel.
      If .Show = True Then
        openDialog = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox

      End If
   End With
End Function


Open Windows Explorer and select a file


Sub AddPics()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim length_count As Integer
    Dim width_count As Integer
    Dim pic() As Variant
    Dim picName As String
    Dim index As Long
    Dim xFilename As String
    Dim xRng
    Dim i As Long

    Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
    picName = "InsertedImage"

    'xFilename = "your pics name"   'By default I made it to open the explorer window to choose the picture
                                    'If you want to make it a permanent choice write there its name without extension
                                    'With this code it's going to choose the file with that name in the same folder
                                    'as is the workbook
                                    'The extension is jpg
                                    'If you have a different extension, modify the code or change it so that you write the name with the extensinon
                                    'It is not a problem if explorer windows is used
    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes

        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        'length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        'width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value , , , , ,1)

        'MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Set xRng = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)) 'Choose the range po pictures

        'ReDim pic(1 To length_count * width_count) 'Resizes the size of array of pictures to store them all

        'Get Length and Width sizes (optional instead of the previous)

        Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Select range", "Get Range", , , , , , 8) 'Open Input box for choosing the range
        If xRng Is Nothing Then                 ' That if-statement is added in advance for "On Error Resume Next"  which can be used
            MsgBox "Empty range was chosen"     ' Now empty range terminates the procedure anyway
            Exit Sub
        End If

        length_count = xRng.Columns.Count
        width_count = xRng.Rows.Count

        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        ReDim pic(1 To length_count * width_count) 'Resizes the size of array of pictures to store them all

        'Insert an image

        Set pic(1) = .Pictures.Insert(openDialog(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path))    'It opens the dialog window
                                                                                    'In openDialog() pass the defaulty path
                                                                                    'In my case it is 'Application.ThisWorkbook.Path'

        'Set pic(1) = .Pictures.Insert(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & xFilename & ".jpg")
        pic(1).Name = picName & 1

        ' It resizes the pictures to fit the cells, you may remove this part or modify it

        If xRng.Cells(1).Height > xRng.Cells(1).Width Then
            pic(1).Width = xRng.Cells(1).Width
            If pic(1).Height > xRng.Cells(1).Height Then
                pic(1).Height = xRng.Cells(1).Height
            End If
            pic(1).Height = xRng.Cells(1).Height
            If pic(1).Width > xRng.Cells(1).Width Then
                pic(1).Width = xRng.Cells(1).Width
            End If
        End If

        ' Position the picture in the first cell (the part after plus sign is to center the picture
        pic(1).Top = xRng.Cells(1).Top + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(1).Height - pic(1).Height)
        pic(1).Left = xRng.Cells(1).Left + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(1).Width - pic(1).Width)

        ' Duplicate and position the rest of the pictures in the xRng (the selected range) (the part after plus sign is to center the picture

        For i = 2 To length_count * width_count
            Set pic(i) = pic(1).Duplicate
            pic(i).Name = picName & i
            pic(i).Top = xRng.Cells(i).Top + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(i).Height - pic(i).Height)
            pic(i).Left = xRng.Cells(i).Left + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(i).Width - pic(i).Width)
        Next i

    End With

        MsgBox "Drawing complete"

End Sub

Sub DeletePics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim picName As String
Dim i As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes

        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        'length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        'width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value , , , , ,1)

        'MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Get Length and Width sizes (optional instead of the previous)

        Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Select range", "Get Range", , , , , , 8) 'Open Input box for choosing the range
        If xRng Is Nothing Then                 ' That if-statement is added in advance for "On Error Resume Next"  which can be used
            MsgBox "Empty range was chosen"     ' Now empty range terminates the procedure anyway
            Exit Sub                            ' Unfortunately if the pictures fill the cells almost completely
        End If                                  ' One cannot select the range and has to write it manually in the InputBox

        length_count = xRng.Columns.Count
        width_count = xRng.Rows.Count

        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Delete pictures in selected cells

        For i = 1 To length_count * width_count
                .Shapes(picName & i).Delete
        Next i

    End With

End Sub

Sub DeleteAllInsertedPics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim pic As Variant

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    'Delete all the pictures that start with picName (the best option to delete I guess)

    With ws

        For Each pic In .Shapes
            If Left(pic.Name, Len(picName)) = picName Then
            End If
        Next pic

    End With

End Sub

Private Function openDialog(defaultPath As String)
    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog

    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

   With fd

      .AllowMultiSelect = False

      ' Set the title of the dialog box.
      .Title = "Please select the file."

      ' Default path
      .InitialFileName = defaultPath

      ' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
      .Filters.Add "pictures", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png"
      .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"

      ' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
      ' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
      ' False, the user clicked Cancel.
      If .Show = True Then
        openDialog = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox

      End If
   End With
End Function

为解决excel 2007错误而进行的修改(在注释中查找)。

说实话,我真的不知道为什么会发生该错误。 我现在将pic()数组声明为Shape而不是Variant。它不会产生问题,但是我无法插入图片并将其分配给Shape对象,因此我创建了一个新的Picture对象(pic_one),然后将其分配给Shape对象(pic(1))

Sub AddPics()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim length_count As Integer
    Dim width_count As Integer
    Dim pic_one As Picture
    Dim pic() As Shape
    Dim picName As String
    Dim index As Long
    Dim xFilename As String
    Dim xRng
    Dim i As Long

    Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
    picName = "InsertedImage"

    'xFilename = "your pics name"   'By default I made it to open the explorer window to choose the picture
                                    'If you want to make it a permanent choice write there its name without extension
                                    'With this code it's going to choose the file with that name in the same folder
                                    'as is the workbook
                                    'The extension is jpg
                                    'If you have a different extension, modify the code or change it so that you write the name with the extensinon
                                    'It is not a problem if explorer windows is used
    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes

        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        'length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        'width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value , , , , ,1)

        'MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Set xRng = .Range(.Cells(6, 20), .Cells(6 + width_count - 1, 20 + length_count - 1)) 'Choose the range po pictures

        'ReDim pic(1 To length_count * width_count) 'Resizes the size of array of pictures to store them all

        'Get Length and Width sizes (optional instead of the previous)

        Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Select range", "Get Range", , , , , , 8) 'Open Input box for choosing the range
        If xRng Is Nothing Then                 ' That if-statement is added in advance for "On Error Resume Next"  which can be used
            MsgBox "Empty range was chosen"     ' Now empty range terminates the procedure anyway
            Exit Sub
        End If

        length_count = xRng.Columns.Count
        width_count = xRng.Rows.Count

        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        ReDim pic(1 To length_count * width_count) 'Resizes the size of array of pictures to store them all

        'Insert an image

        Set pic_one = .Pictures.Insert(openDialog(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path))    'It opens the dialog window
                                                                                    'In openDialog() pass the defaulty path
                                                                                    'In my case it is 'Application.ThisWorkbook.Path'

        'Set pic_one = .Pictures.Insert(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & xFilename & ".jpg")
        pic_one.Name = picName & 1

        ' It resizes the pictures to fit the cells, you may remove this part or modify it

        If xRng.Cells(1).Height > xRng.Cells(1).Width Then
            pic_one.Width = xRng.Cells(1).Width
            If pic_one.Height > xRng.Cells(1).Height Then
                pic_one.Height = xRng.Cells(1).Height
            End If
            pic_one.Height = xRng.Cells(1).Height
            If pic_one.Width > xRng.Cells(1).Width Then
                pic_one.Width = xRng.Cells(1).Width
            End If
        End If

        ' Position the picture in the first cell (the part after plus sign is to center the picture
        pic_one.Top = xRng.Cells(1).Top + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(1).Height - pic_one.Height)
        pic_one.Left = xRng.Cells(1).Left + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(1).Width - pic_one.Width)

        ' Duplicate and position the rest of the pictures in the xRng (the selected range) (the part after plus sign is to center the picture

        Set pic(1) = .Shapes(picName & 1)

        For i = 2 To length_count * width_count
            Set pic(i) = pic(1).Duplicate
            pic(i).Name = picName & i
            pic(i).Top = xRng.Cells(i).Top + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(i).Height - pic(i).Height)
            pic(i).Left = xRng.Cells(i).Left + 0.5 * (xRng.Cells(i).Width - pic(i).Width)
        Next i

    End With

        MsgBox "Drawing complete"

End Sub

Sub DeletePics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim picName As String
Dim i As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    With ws

        'Get Length and Width sizes

        'length_count = .Range("K15").Value
        'length_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the lenght number:", "lenght number", Range("K15").Value, , , , , 1)
        'width_count = .Range("K17").Value
        'width_count = Application.InputBox("Choose the width number:", "width number", Range("K17").Value , , , , ,1)

        'MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Get Length and Width sizes (optional instead of the previous)

        Set xRng = Application.InputBox("Select range", "Get Range", , , , , , 8) 'Open Input box for choosing the range
        If xRng Is Nothing Then                 ' That if-statement is added in advance for "On Error Resume Next"  which can be used
            MsgBox "Empty range was chosen"     ' Now empty range terminates the procedure anyway
            Exit Sub                            ' Unfortunately if the pictures fill the cells almost completely
        End If                                  ' One cannot select the range and has to write it manually in the InputBox

        length_count = xRng.Columns.Count
        width_count = xRng.Rows.Count

        MsgBox "Length is " & length_count & ", Width is " & width_count

        'Delete pictures in selected cells

        For i = 1 To length_count * width_count
                .Shapes(picName & i).Delete
        Next i

    End With

End Sub

Sub DeleteAllInsertedPics()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim length_count As Integer
Dim width_count As Integer
Dim picNumber As Long
Dim pic As Variant

Set ws = Worksheets("Drawing")
picName = "InsertedImage"

    'Delete all the pictures that start with picName (the best option to delete I guess)

    With ws

        For Each pic In .Shapes
            If Left(pic.Name, Len(picName)) = picName Then
            End If
        Next pic

    End With

End Sub

Private Function openDialog(defaultPath As String)
    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog

    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

   With fd

      .AllowMultiSelect = False

      ' Set the title of the dialog box.
      .Title = "Please select the file."

      ' Default path
      .InitialFileName = defaultPath

      ' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
      .Filters.Add "pictures", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png"
      .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"

      ' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
      ' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
      ' False, the user clicked Cancel.
      If .Show = True Then
        openDialog = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox

      End If
   End With
End Function