
时间:2018-09-14 18:01:01

标签: java

这就是我想要做的。 该程序应具有循环10次的循环。每次循环迭代时,都应掷两个骰子。价值最高的骰子获胜。如果是平局,那么掷骰子没有赢家。


  1. 询问用户是否准备好滚动。
  2. 显示掷骰结果 用户的掷骰次数,计算机的掷骰次数以及结果(赢,输或输 领带)。
  3. 保留计算机获胜次数的计数。
  4. 保留用户获胜次数的计数


import java.util.Random;

   The Die class simulates a six-sided die.

public class Die
   private int sides;   // Number of sides
   private int value;   // The die's value

     The constructor performs an initial
     roll of the die.
     @param numSides The number of sides for this die.

  public Die(int numSides)
     sides = numSides;

     The roll method simulates the rolling of
     the die.

  public void roll()
     // Create a Random object.
     Random rand = new Random();

     // Get a random value for the die.
     value = rand.nextInt(sides) + 1;

     getSides method
     @return The number of sides for this die.

  public int getSides()
     return sides;

     getValue method
     @return The value of the die.

  public int getValue()
     return value;


public class MitchellLab06
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final int DIE1_SIDES = 6; //Number of sides for die #1
        final int DIE2_SIDES = 6; //Number of sides for die #1
        final int MAX_ROLLS = 10; //Number of ties to roll

        // Create two instances of the Die class.
        Die die1 = new Die(DIE1_SIDES);
        Die die2 = new Die(DIE2_SIDES);

        //Display the initial value of the dice.
        System.out.println("This program simulates the rolling of a " + 
        DIE1_SIDES + " sided die and another " +
        DIE2_SIDES + " sided die.");

        System.out.println("The initial value of the dice:");
        System.out.println(die1.getValue() + " " + die2.getValue());

        //Roll the dice 10 times.
        System.out.println("Rolling the dice " + MAX_ROLLS + " times");

        for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ROLLS; i++)
            //Roll the dice.

            //Display the value of the dice.
            System.out.println(die1.getValue() + " " + die2.getValue());


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