指向基类的指针的std :: vector的深层副本

时间:2018-09-18 21:42:13

标签: c++ c++17






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#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

struct base {
    // For constructors and destructors, it's business as usual.
    // Remember to implement the rule of five.
    base() {std::cout << "new base\n";}
    base(const base& o) {
        std::cout << "copied base\n";
    virtual ~base() {std::cout << "destructed base\n";}
    // This is the virtual copy function. We need this because only
    // the actual derived class will know how to copy itself. The
    // only way to forward this knowledge to a pointer to the base 
    // class is via a virtual function.
    // You can make this pure virtual, if you don't mind
    // the base being abstract (or if you *want* to make it 
    // abstract). It'll be safer this way.
    virtual base* copy() {return new base(*this);}

struct derived : base {
    derived() : base() {std::cout << "new derived";}
    derived(const derived& o) : base(o) {
        std::cout << "copied derived\n";
    virtual ~derived() {std::cout << "destructed derived\n";}
    base* copy() override {return new derived(*this);}

// example of deep copying
int main() {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<base>> v;
    v.emplace_back(new base());
    v.emplace_back(new derived());
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<base>> copy_of_v;

     // The transformation merely calls copy(). Each object will be copied into
     // an instance of the correct type. 
    std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(copy_of_v), [](auto& item){
        return std::unique_ptr<base>(item->copy());