Youtube Direct Lite给出错误:找不到的服务器IP地址

时间:2018-09-22 15:23:54

标签: youtube youtube-api frontend

我需要允许用户将视频上传到我们的频道。经过一番搜索,我发现youtube direct lite似乎是最好的解决方案。但是后来我在我们的网站上进行了测试,但出现此错误:import importlib from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader, EXTENSION_SUFFIXES import inspect import os import os.path import pkgutil from types import ModuleType from typing import List def is_builtin_module(module: ModuleType) -> bool: """ Is this module a built-in module, like ``os``? Method is as per :func:`inspect.getfile`. """ return not hasattr(module, "__file__") def contains_c_extension(module: ModuleType, import_all_submodules: bool = True, include_external_imports: bool = False, seen: List[ModuleType] = None) -> bool: """ Extends :func:`is_c_extension` by asking: is this module, or any of its submodules, a C extension? Args: module: Previously imported module object to be tested. import_all_submodules: explicitly import all submodules of this module? include_external_imports: check modules in other packages that this module imports? seen: used internally for recursion (to deal with recursive modules); should be ``None`` when called by users Returns: bool: ``True`` only if this module or one of its submodules is a C extension. Examples: .. code-block:: python import logging import _elementtree as et import os import arrow import alembic import django import numpy import numpy.core.multiarray as numpy_multiarray log = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # be verbose contains_c_extension(os) # False contains_c_extension(et) # False contains_c_extension(numpy) # True -- different from is_c_extension() contains_c_extension(numpy_multiarray) # True contains_c_extension(arrow) # False contains_c_extension(alembic) # False contains_c_extension(alembic, include_external_imports=True) # True # ... this example shows that Alembic imports hashlib, which can import # _hashlib, which is a C extension; however, that doesn't stop us (for # example) installing Alembic on a machine with no C compiler contains_c_extension(django) """ # noqa assert inspect.ismodule(module), '"{}" not a module.'.format(module) if seen is None: # only true for the top-level call seen = [] # type: List[ModuleType] if module in seen: # modules can "contain" themselves # already inspected; avoid infinite loops return False seen.append(module) # Check the thing we were asked about is_c_ext = is_c_extension(module)"Is module {!r} a C extension? {}".format(module, is_c_ext)) if is_c_ext: return True if is_builtin_module(module): # built-in, therefore we stop searching it return False # Now check any children, in a couple of ways top_level_module = seen[0] top_path = os.path.dirname(top_level_module.__file__) # Recurse using dir(). This picks up modules that are automatically # imported by our top-level model. But it won't pick up all submodules; # try e.g. for django. for candidate_name in dir(module): candidate = getattr(module, candidate_name) try: if not inspect.ismodule(candidate): # not a module continue except Exception: # e.g. a Django module that won't import until we configure its # settings log.error("Failed to test ismodule() status of {!r}".format( candidate)) continue if is_builtin_module(candidate): # built-in, therefore we stop searching it continue candidate_fname = getattr(candidate, "__file__") if not include_external_imports: if os.path.commonpath([top_path, candidate_fname]) != top_path: log.debug("Skipping, not within the top-level module's " "directory: {!r}".format(candidate)) continue # Recurse: if contains_c_extension( module=candidate, import_all_submodules=False, # only done at the top level, below # noqa include_external_imports=include_external_imports, seen=seen): return True if import_all_submodules: if not is_module_a_package(module): log.debug("Top-level module is not a package: {!r}".format(module)) return False # Otherwise, for things like Django, we need to recurse in a different # way to scan everything. # See # noqa log.debug("Walking path: {!r}".format(top_path)) try: for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages([top_path]): # noqa if not is_pkg: log.debug("Skipping, not a package: {!r}".format( module_name)) continue log.debug("Manually importing: {!r}".format(module_name)) try: candidate = loader.find_module(module_name)\ .load_module(module_name) # noqa except Exception: # e.g. Alembic "autogenerate" gives: "ValueError: attempted # relative import beyond top-level package"; or Django # "django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured" log.error("Package failed to import: {!r}".format( module_name)) continue if contains_c_extension( module=candidate, import_all_submodules=False, # only done at the top level # noqa include_external_imports=include_external_imports, seen=seen): return True except Exception: log.error("Unable to walk packages further; no C extensions " "detected so far!") raise return False 这个项目还在运作吗?


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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

因为这是2012年以来的一个项目!我认为这个项目已经死了。在说明中,他们谈论了Picasa,该项目已经有两年历史了,该项目已经失败了。也许使用API​​ Video Insert
