
时间:2018-09-23 06:11:02

标签: javascript d3.js transition


作为一个玩具示例,请考虑以下顺序:abcde,{{1 }},fghefghabc。我已经尝试使用下面的代码,但是它不起作用。请注意,过渡可能具有不同的属性(ddelayduration等),并且它们可以应用于不同的属性(easexywidthheightcxcy等)和样式。例如,过渡r可以指代a,过渡widthb,过渡heightc,过渡xd,将y过渡到e属性,将transform过渡到f样式,等等。

P.S .:这个问题的目的与我的previous相同,但是在这里我使用了一个过于简单的编码案例,却误导了答案。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


var transitions = {
  a: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(1000).delay(1000).attr('cy', 200) },
  b: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 40) },
  c: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'red') },
  d: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.5) },
  e: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(1000).delay(3000).attr('cy', 300) },
  f: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 60) },
  g: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'magenta') },
  h: function(sel){ return sel.transition().duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.25) }



var transitions = {
  a: function(){ return this.duration(1000).delay(1000).attr('cy', 200) },
  b: function(){ return this.duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 40) },
  c: function(){ return this.duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'red') },
  d: function(){ return this.duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.5) },
  e: function(){ return this.duration(1000).delay(3000).attr('cy', 300) },
  f: function(){ return this.duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 60) },
  g: function(){ return this.duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'magenta') },
  h: function(){ return this.duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.25) }


transitions['a'].call( selection.transition() )
transitions.f.call( d3.select('circle').transition() )


apply_transitions( group.select(":nth-child(1)"), ['a','b','c','d'] );
apply_transitions( group.select(":nth-child(2)"), ['e','f','g','h'] );


* apply a series of transitions to a selection
* @param selection - d3 selection
* @param tr_arr - array of transition identifiers, referring to functions in the `transitions` object
function apply_transitions( selection, tr_arr ) {

  // turn the current selection into a d3.transition
  // call the transition function referred to by the first ID in the array
  // with the d3.transition as the `this` context
  // note that the function returns a transition object, so it can be chained
  transitions[ tr_arr[0] ].call( selection.transition() )
  // add a handler to be applied at the end of the transition
    .on('end', function(){
      // if there are more transitions to be applied, call
      // apply_transitions again with tr_arr minus the first element
      // note that the `this` context in the `on` function is a DOM element,
      // so use `d3.select(this)` to turn it into a d3 selection
      if ( tr_arr.length > 1 ) {
        apply_transitions( d3.select(this), tr_arr.slice(1) );


    var svg = d3.select('svg').attr('width', 500).attr('height', 500);

    var dataSet = [20, 20];

    var group=svg.append("g");
    var circles = group.selectAll('circle')
    .attr("r",function(d){ return d })
    .attr("cx",function(d, i){ return i * 100 + 50 })

    apply_transitions( group.select(":nth-child(1)"), ['a','b','c','d'] );

    apply_transitions( group.select(":nth-child(2)"), ['e','f','g','h'] );

  function apply_transitions( selection, tr_arr ) {

    var transitions = {
      a: function(){ return this.duration(1000).delay(1000).attr('cy', 200) },
      b: function(){ return this.duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 40) },
      c: function(){ return this.duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'red') },
      d: function(){ return this.duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.5) },
      e: function(){ return this.duration(1000).delay(3000).attr('cy', 300) },
      f: function(){ return this.duration(2000).delay(0).attr('r', 60) },
      g: function(){ return this.duration(500).delay(1500).attr('fill', 'magenta') },
      h: function(){ return this.duration(1500).delay(500).attr('opacity', 0.25) }

      transitions[ tr_arr[0] ].call( selection.transition() )
        .on('end', function(){
          if ( tr_arr.length > 1 ) {
            apply_transitions( d3.select(this), tr_arr.slice(1) );
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v5.js"></script>
