
时间:2018-09-23 21:06:34

标签: java loops io heapsort min-heap







~          val    X    Y    Z
Xerxes       0    ~    ~    ~
York        -1    ~    ~    ~
Zardoz       1    ~    ~    ~


~          val   A   B   C   D   E   F
Alfa         4   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
Bravo        6   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
Charlie     -3   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
Delta       -6   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
Echo         0   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
Foxtrot     55   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~






import java.io.*;

public class DelivB {

File inputFile;
File outputFile;
PrintWriter output;
Graph g;

public DelivB( File in, Graph gr ) {
    inputFile = in;
    g = gr;

    // Get output file name.
    String inputFileName = inputFile.toString();
    String baseFileName = inputFileName.substring( 0,  inputFileName.length()-4 ); // Strip off ".txt"
    String outputFileName = baseFileName.concat( "_out.txt" );
    outputFile = new File( outputFileName );
    if ( outputFile.exists() ) {    // For retests

    try {
        output = new PrintWriter(outputFile);

        //System.out.println("=============================\n" + "testing testing testing Deliv B Class");

    catch (Exception x ) { 
        System.err.format("Exception: %s%n", x);
    //System.out.println( "DelivB:  To be implemented");

    //System.out.println("\nDeliv B Class ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");

public Graph getG() {
    return g;

public void setG(Graph g) {
    this.g = g;

/** Read the file containing the Strings, line by line, then process each line as it is read.
public void writeGraphInfo( PrintWriter output ) {

    try {
        // output the graph information.  
        // I chose to output it to the console as well as the file for      debugging purposes.
        System.out.println( "\n\n=========================================================================\n\n");
        System.out.println( g );
        output.println( g );
    catch (Exception x ) {
        System.err.format("ExceptionInner: %s%n", x);



import java.util.*;

// A node of a graph for the Spring 2018 ICS 340 program

public class Node {

String name;
String val;  // The value of the Node
String abbrev;  // The abbreviation for the Node
ArrayList<Edge> outgoingEdges;  
ArrayList<Edge> incomingEdges;

public Node( String theAbbrev ) {
    setAbbrev( theAbbrev );
    val = null;
    name = null;
    outgoingEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
    incomingEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();

public String getAbbrev() {
    return abbrev;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public String getVal() {
    return val;

public ArrayList<Edge> getOutgoingEdges() {
    return outgoingEdges;

public ArrayList<Edge> getIncomingEdges() {
    return incomingEdges;

public void setAbbrev( String theAbbrev ) {
    abbrev = theAbbrev;

public void setName( String theName ) {
    name = theName;

public void setVal( String theVal ) {
    val = theVal;

public void addOutgoingEdge( Edge e ) {
    outgoingEdges.add( e );

public void addIncomingEdge( Edge e ) {
    incomingEdges.add( e );


//NEXT CLASS ==================================================
//import java.util.*;

// Edge between two nodes
public class Edge {

String label;
Node tail;
Node head;

public Edge( Node tailNode, Node headNode, String theLabel ) {
    setLabel( theLabel );
    setTail( tailNode );
    setHead( headNode );

public String getLabel() {
    return label;

public Node getTail() {
    return tail;

public Node getHead() {
    return head;

public void setLabel( String s ) {
    label = s;

public void setTail( Node n ) {
    tail = n;

public void setHead( Node n ) {
    head = n;


//NEXT CLASS ===================================================
import java.util.*;

    public class Heap 
    int heapSize;
    Graph gr;
    ArrayList<Node> unordered_nodelist;
    ArrayList<Node> ordered_nodelist;
    Node dummy = new Node("dummy node");

//constructor for heap object with the following attributes:
//a graph object and an int representing the size of an arraylist of nodes
public Heap(Graph g)
    unordered_nodelist = g.getNodeList();
    heapSize = unordered_nodelist.size();
    ordered_nodelist = new ArrayList<Node>();

    //for (int i = 0; i < heapSize; i++)

    //probably don't need this graph variable 
    gr = g;

//getters and setters 
public ArrayList<Node> getUnordered_nodelist() {
    return unordered_nodelist;

public void setUnordered_nodelist(ArrayList<Node> unordered_nodelist) {
    this.unordered_nodelist = unordered_nodelist;

public ArrayList<Node> getOrdered_nodelist() {
    return ordered_nodelist;

public void setOrdered_nodelist(ArrayList<Node> ordered_nodelist) {
    this.ordered_nodelist = ordered_nodelist;

public int getHeapSize() {
    return heapSize;

public void setHeapSize(int heapSize) {
    this.heapSize = heapSize;

//heap methods

public int Parent(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    //if (i == 1)
        //return (Integer)null;

    if (i%2 != 0)
        return i/2;

        return (i-1)/2;

public int Left(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)

    //while (A.get(i).getVal() != null && A.get(i).getName() != null)
    //if (2*i < heapSize)
        return (2*i)+1;
        //return (Integer)null;

public int Right(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    //if ((2*i)+1 < heapSize)
        return 2*i+2;
        //return (Integer)null;

public void Heapify(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    Node smallest;
    Node temp;
    int index;

    int l = Left(A,i);
    int r = Right(A,i);

    while (A.get(i).getVal() != null && A.get(i).getName() != null)

        if (l <= heapSize-1 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(l).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(A.get(i).getVal()))
            //left child is smaller
            smallest = A.get(l);
            index = l;
            //parent node is smaller
            smallest = A.get(i);
            index = i;

        if (r <= heapSize-1 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(r).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(smallest.getVal()))
            //right child is smaller
            smallest = A.get(r);
            index = r;

        if (index != i)
            //if the smallest element is not the parent node
            //swap the smallest child with the parent  
            temp = A.get(i);
            A.set(i, A.get(index));
            A.set(index, temp);

            //recursively call heapify method to check next parent/child relationship
            Heapify(A, index);

//method to construct min heap from unordered arraylist of nodes
public void Build_min_Heap(ArrayList<Node> A)
    for (int k = 0; k<A.size()-1; k++)
        //while (A.get(k).getVal() != null && A.get(k).getName() != null)

            int i;
            int heapSize = A.size();

            for (i = (heapSize/2); i>=0; i--)
                Heapify(A, i);
//decreases the value of a given node, used with insert method
public void heap_Decrease_Key(ArrayList<Node> A, int i, int key)
    Node parent;
    Node child;
    Node temp;

    if (key > i)
        System.out.println("error key must be less than i");


    while(i>0 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(Parent(A,i)).getVal()) > Integer.parseInt(A.get(i).getVal()) ) 
        parent = A.get(Parent(A,i));
        child = A.get(i);

        temp = parent;

        //take the child node and place it in the parent node's place
        A.set(Parent(A,i), child);
        //take the parent node and place it in the child node's place
        A.set(i, temp);

//method to sort in descending order, a min heap
public void heap_Sort(ArrayList<Node> A)
    Node temp;

    for (int k = 0; k<A.size()-1; k++)
        //while (A.get(k).getVal() != null && A.get(k).getName() != null)


            for(int i = A.size()-1; i >= 1; i--)
                //exchange a[1] with a[i]
                temp = A.get(0);
                A.set(0, A.get(i));
                A.set(i, temp);

                //decrement heapSize

                //recursive heapify call
                Heapify(A, 0);

public Node heap_Extract(ArrayList<Node> A)
    Node min;

    min = A.get(0);
    A.set(0, A.get(heapSize-1));

    //decrement heapSize
    Heapify(A, 0);

    return min;

public void heap_Insert(ArrayList<Node> A, int key)


    heap_Decrease_Key(A, heapSize-1, key);

public String toString()
    String s = "Graph g.\n";

    //s += "Heaps: \n";

    if ( ordered_nodelist.size() > 0 ) 
        //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of Nodes 
        for(Node n : ordered_nodelist) 
            //output string to print each node's character abbreviation  
            String t = n.getAbbrev();
            s = s.concat(t);        
    return s;


//NEXT CLASS =================================================
import java.util.*;

public class Heap 
    int heapSize;
    Graph gr;
    ArrayList<Node> unordered_nodelist;
    ArrayList<Node> ordered_nodelist;
    Node dummy = new Node("dummy node");

//constructor for heap object with the following attributes:
//a graph object and an int representing the size of an arraylist of nodes
public Heap(Graph g)
    unordered_nodelist = g.getNodeList();
    heapSize = unordered_nodelist.size();
    ordered_nodelist = new ArrayList<Node>();

    //for (int i = 0; i < heapSize; i++)

    //probably don't need this graph variable 
    gr = g;

//getters and setters 
public ArrayList<Node> getUnordered_nodelist() {
    return unordered_nodelist;

public void setUnordered_nodelist(ArrayList<Node> unordered_nodelist) {
    this.unordered_nodelist = unordered_nodelist;

public ArrayList<Node> getOrdered_nodelist() {
    return ordered_nodelist;

public void setOrdered_nodelist(ArrayList<Node> ordered_nodelist) {
    this.ordered_nodelist = ordered_nodelist;

public int getHeapSize() {
    return heapSize;

public void setHeapSize(int heapSize) {
    this.heapSize = heapSize;

//heap methods

public int Parent(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    //if (i == 1)
        //return (Integer)null;

    if (i%2 != 0)
        return i/2;

        return (i-1)/2;

public int Left(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)

    //while (A.get(i).getVal() != null && A.get(i).getName() != null)
    //if (2*i < heapSize)
        return (2*i)+1;
        //return (Integer)null;

public int Right(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    //if ((2*i)+1 < heapSize)
        return 2*i+2;
        //return (Integer)null;

public void Heapify(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
    Node smallest;
    Node temp;
    int index;

    int l = Left(A,i);
    int r = Right(A,i);

    while (A.get(i).getVal() != null && A.get(i).getName() != null)

        if (l <= heapSize-1 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(l).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(A.get(i).getVal()))
            //left child is smaller
            smallest = A.get(l);
            index = l;
            //parent node is smaller
            smallest = A.get(i);
            index = i;

        if (r <= heapSize-1 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(r).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(smallest.getVal()))
            //right child is smaller
            smallest = A.get(r);
            index = r;

        if (index != i)
            //if the smallest element is not the parent node
            //swap the smallest child with the parent  
            temp = A.get(i);
            A.set(i, A.get(index));
            A.set(index, temp);

            //recursively call heapify method to check next parent/child relationship
            Heapify(A, index);

//method to construct min heap from unordered arraylist of nodes
public void Build_min_Heap(ArrayList<Node> A)
    for (int k = 0; k<A.size()-1; k++)
        //while (A.get(k).getVal() != null && A.get(k).getName() != null)

            int i;
            int heapSize = A.size();

            for (i = (heapSize/2); i>=0; i--)
                Heapify(A, i);
//decreases the value of a given node, used with insert method
public void heap_Decrease_Key(ArrayList<Node> A, int i, int key)
    Node parent;
    Node child;
    Node temp;

    if (key > i)
        System.out.println("error key must be less than i");


    while(i>0 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(Parent(A,i)).getVal()) > Integer.parseInt(A.get(i).getVal()) ) 
        parent = A.get(Parent(A,i));
        child = A.get(i);

        temp = parent;

        //take the child node and place it in the parent node's place
        A.set(Parent(A,i), child);
        //take the parent node and place it in the child node's place
        A.set(i, temp);

//method to sort in descending order, a min heap
public void heap_Sort(ArrayList<Node> A)
    Node temp;

    for (int k = 0; k<A.size()-1; k++)
        //while (A.get(k).getVal() != null && A.get(k).getName() != null)


            for(int i = A.size()-1; i >= 1; i--)
                //exchange a[1] with a[i]
                temp = A.get(0);
                A.set(0, A.get(i));
                A.set(i, temp);

                //decrement heapSize

                //recursive heapify call
                Heapify(A, 0);

public Node heap_Extract(ArrayList<Node> A)
    Node min;

    min = A.get(0);
    A.set(0, A.get(heapSize-1));

    //decrement heapSize
    Heapify(A, 0);

    return min;

public void heap_Insert(ArrayList<Node> A, int key)


    heap_Decrease_Key(A, heapSize-1, key);

public String toString()
    String s = "Graph g.\n";

    //s += "Heaps: \n";

    if ( ordered_nodelist.size() > 0 ) 
        //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of Nodes 
        for(Node n : ordered_nodelist) 
            //output string to print each node's character abbreviation  
            String t = n.getAbbrev();
            s = s.concat(t);        
    return s;

//NEXT CLASS ===============================================
import java.util.*;

public class Graph {

ArrayList<Node> nodeList;
ArrayList<Edge> edgeList;

public Graph() {
    nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>();
    edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>();

public ArrayList<Node> getNodeList() {
    return nodeList;

public ArrayList<Edge> getEdgeList() {
    return edgeList;

public void addNode( Node n ) {
    nodeList.add( n );

public void addEdge( Edge e ) {
    edgeList.add( e );

//overridden toString() method to output both Nodes and the edges incumbent upon them 
public String toString() {
    String s = "Graph g.\n";
    if ( nodeList.size() > 0 ) {
        //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of Nodes 
        for( Node n : nodeList ) {
            //output string to print basic labels for each node 
            String t = "\nNode " + n.getName() + ", abbrev " + n.getAbbrev() + ", value " + n.getVal() + "\n";
            s = s.concat(t);

            //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of outgoing Edges incumbent upon 
            //the given node in each iteration of the outer for loop 
            for(Edge a : n.getOutgoingEdges()){ 
                //output String to print data about each outgoing edge
                String q = n.getName() + " has edge to: " + a.getHead().getName() + " labeled: " + a.getLabel() + "\n";
                s = s.concat(q);
            //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of incomming Edges incumbent upon
            //the given node in each iteration of the outer for loop
            for(Edge a : n.getIncomingEdges()){
                //output string to print data about each incomming edge 
                String r = n.getName() + " has edge from: " + a.getTail().getName() + " labeled: " + a.getLabel() + "\n";
                s = s.concat(r);
        s = s.concat("\n");
    return s;

public String toString2()
    String s = "Graph g.\n";
    if ( nodeList.size() > 0 ) 
        //for loop to traverse an ArrayList of Nodes 
        for( Node n : nodeList ) 
            //output string to print each node's mnemonic 
            String t = n.getAbbrev();
            s = s.concat(t);        
    return s;


//NEXT CLASS ==============================================
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

/** ProgramA simply reads a file containing rows of space-separated     Strings, 
 ** your assignment is to print out those strings interpreted as a graph.
 ** @author
 **    Mike Stein

public class Prog340 extends JPanel implements ActionListener {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;  // Keep Eclipse happy.
File inputFile;
File outputFile;
PrintWriter output;
JFileChooser fileChooser;
Graph g;
Heap h;
String[] comboBoxList;  // For putting names in Combo Box

/** The main method instantiates a Prog340 class, which includes giving     you a choice of things to do.
 ** The only one active now will be reading the graph file and having you parse it.
 ** @param args
 **    - Not used
 ** @throws FileNotFoundException
 **    - Thrown if the file selected is not found.  Shouldn't happen with a FileChooser.

** /

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
  javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {


/** Create and show the GUI.
** For thread safety, this method should be invoked from the event-dispatching thread.
private static void createAndShowGUI() {
  // Create and set up the window
  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Prog340");

  // Create and set up the content pane.
  JComponent newContentPane = new Prog340();
  newContentPane.setOpaque(true);;  // content panes must be opaque

  // Display the window.


/** The constructor creates a new ProgramA object, and sets up the input and output files.
public Prog340() {

  super( new BorderLayout() );

try {
    // I like the colorful FileChooser.
    System.out.println( "Look and feel set.");

catch (Exception e) { // exit on exception.
    System.err.format("Exception: %s%n", e);

fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Choose a file");

// Start looking for files at the currect directory, not home.
fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
inputFile = null;

g = new Graph();

// Select the action
comboBoxList = new String[8];
comboBoxList[0] = new String("prog340:  Select file and read graph");
comboBoxList[1] = new String("Deliv A:  Write Graph Info");
comboBoxList[2] = new String ("Deliv B: Run Heap methods on selected file");
comboBoxList[3] = new String ("Deliv C:  TBD");
comboBoxList[4] = new String ("Deliv D:  TBD");
comboBoxList[5] = new String ("Deliv E:  TBD");
comboBoxList[6] = new String ("Deliv F:  TBD");
comboBoxList[7] = new String ("exit");

JComboBox actionList = new JComboBox( comboBoxList );
actionList.setName("Action List");
actionList.addActionListener( this );
add( actionList, BorderLayout.PAGE_START );


// Listen to the Combo Box
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
  JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
  String actionName = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
  int actionIndex = cb.getSelectedIndex();

  switch( actionIndex ) {

  case 0:{
      g = new Graph();
      readGraphInfo( g );
  case 1:
        DelivA dA = new DelivA( inputFile, g );

  case 2:
        int numElements = 1;
        int j =0;
        int k;

        //rewritten switch statement case to make DelivB combo box work 
        g = new Graph();
        readGraphInfo( g );
        DelivB dB = new DelivB(inputFile, g);

        h = new Heap(g);

        System.out.println("unordered list: \n");




        for (j = 0; j <= h.getHeapSize(); j++)
        //while (j <= h.getHeapSize())
        //for (Node n : h.getOrdered_nodelist())    
            //copy node elements from unordered arraylist to new empty arraylist    


            System.out.println("unordered node list size is: " + h.getUnordered_nodelist().size()+ "\n");

            System.out.println("ordered node list size is: " + h.getOrdered_nodelist().size());
            System.out.println("\nvalue of j is: " + j + "\n");

            System.out.println("Heaps: \n");


            System.out.println("after build heap call: \n" );

            //System.out.println("\ngraph class toString method: \n");
            //System.out.println(g.toString() + "\n");

            System.out.println("HeapSort: \n");


            System.out.println("after heapsort call: \n");


            //System.out.println("\n graph class toString method: \n");
            //System.out.println(g.toString() + "\n");

            //System.out.println("the"+j+"th element in the original array is: \n"+h.getOrdered_nodelist().get(j).getAbbrev());
            //System.out.println("the"+j+"th element in the new array is: \n"+h.getUnordered_nodelist().get(j).getAbbrev());

            //System.out.println("\n after build heap method call, the output is as follows: " + g.toString());

    case 3:
        DelivC dC = new DelivC( inputFile, g );

    case 4:
        DelivD dD = new DelivD( inputFile, g );

    case 5:
        DelivE dE = new DelivE( inputFile, g );

    case 6:
        DelivF dF = new DelivF( inputFile, g );

    case 7:
        System.out.println( "Goodbye");

        System.out.println( "Invalid choice" );


/** Read the file containing the Strings, line by line, then process each line as it is read.
public void readGraphInfo( Graph g ) {

 try {

    if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)     {

        // Instantiate the selected input and output files.
        inputFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        System.out.println( "Chosen file = " + inputFile + "\n");

    // read text file
        Scanner sc = new Scanner( inputFile );
    // First line special:  It contains "~", and "val", and the nodes with the edges.
    String firstLine = sc.nextLine();
    String[] splitString = firstLine.split( " +" );

    // Ignore first two fields of first line,  Every other field is a node.
    for ( int i = 2; i < splitString.length; i++ ) {
        Node n = new Node( splitString[i] );
        g.addNode( n );

    // Every other line gives the name and value of the Node, and any edges.
    int nodeIndex = 0;
    ArrayList<Node> nodeList = g.getNodeList();

    while ( sc.hasNextLine() ) {
        String nextLine = sc.nextLine();
        splitString = nextLine.split(" +");

        Node n = nodeList.get( nodeIndex );
        n.setName( splitString[0] );
        n.setVal( splitString[1] );

        for ( int i = 2; i < splitString.length; i++ ) {
            if ( !splitString[i].equals("~") ) {
                Node head = nodeList.get(i-2);
                Edge e = new Edge( n, head, splitString[i] );
                g.addEdge( e );
                n.addOutgoingEdge( e );
                head.addIncomingEdge( e );
catch (Exception x) {
    System.err.format("ExceptionOuter: %s%n", x);



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