
时间:2018-10-01 02:23:32

标签: python


Purchase = [
     ['James', 'Shoes', 1],
     ['James', 'T-shirt', 3],
     ['James', 'Pants', 2],
     ['James', 'Jacket', 1],
     ['James', 'Bag', 1],
     ['Neil', 'Shoes', 2],
     ['Neil', 'Bag', 1],
     ['Neil', 'Jacket', 1], 
     ['Neil', 'Pants', 1],
     ['Chris', 'Hats', 1],
     ['Chris', 'T-shirt', 2],
     ['Chris', 'Shoes', 1],
     ['Chris', 'Pants', 2],

Product = [
            ['T-shirt', 110],
            ['Pants', 150],
            ['Shoes', 200],
            ['Hats', 150],
            ['Jacket', 250],
            ['Bag', 230],

Purchase上,每个元素的第一个元素是买方的名称,第二个元素是他们购买的产品,最后一个元素是他们购买的数量。 在Product上,其产品名称和价格

我想做的是根据对每种产品购买的每个购买者的计算来创建一个新列表,并将其从最高到最低排序,并且仅排在前3位。 如果有一个产品没有购买,它将乘以零。 为了便于理解,这里是计算:

For 'James':                So the prices from expensive to cheap:
T-shirt -> 110*3 = 330      ['T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket', 'Bag', 'Shoes', 'Hats']
Pants   -> 150*2 = 300
Shoes   -> 200*1 = 200
Hats    -> 150*0 = 0
Jacket  -> 250*1 = 250
Bag     -> 230*1 = 230

For 'Neil':         
T-shirt -> 110*0 = 0        ['Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Hats' ]
Pants   -> 150*1 = 150
Shoes   -> 200*2 = 400
Hats    -> 150*0 = 0
Jacket  -> 250*1 = 250
Bag     -> 230*1 = 230

For 'Chris':            
T-shirt -> 110*2 = 220      ['Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes', 'Hats', 'Jacket', 'Bag']
Pants   -> 150*2 = 300
Shoes   -> 200*1 = 200
Hats    -> 150*1 = 150
Jacket  -> 250*0 = 0
Bag     -> 230*0 = 0


Result  = [
            ['James', 'T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'],  
            ['Neil', 'Shoes','Jacket', 'Bag'], 
            ['Chris', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']]


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



from collections import OrderedDict

Product_kv = dict(Product)


d = OrderedDict()
for person, item, n in Purchase:
    if person not in d:
        d[person] = {}
    if item not in d[person]:
        d[person][item] = 0
    d[person][item] += n*Product_kv[item]


for person in d:
    for item in Product_kv:
        if item not in d[person]:
            d[person][item] = 0


[[name]+sorted(d[name], key=lambda s:d[name][s], reverse=True)[:3] for name in d]

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import pandas as pd

# construct dataframe and series mapping
purchases = pd.DataFrame(Purchase)
products = pd.DataFrame(Product).set_index(0)[1]

# calculate value and sort
df = purchases.assign(value=purchases[2]*purchases[1].map(products))\
              .sort_values('value', ascending=False)

# create dictionary or list result
res1 = {k: v[1].iloc[:3].tolist() for k, v in df.groupby(0, sort=False)}
res2 = [[k] + v[1].iloc[:3].tolist() for k, v in df.groupby(0, sort=False)]



{'Neil': ['Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag'],
 'James': ['T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'],
 'Chris': ['Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']}


[['Neil', 'Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag'],
 ['James', 'T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'],
 ['Chris', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']]

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Purchase = [
     ['James', 'Shoes', 1],
     ['James', 'T-shirt', 3],
     ['James', 'Pants', 2],
     ['James', 'Jacket', 1],
     ['James', 'Bag', 1],
     ['Neil', 'Shoes', 2],
     ['Neil', 'Bag', 1],
     ['Neil', 'Jacket', 1], 
     ['Neil', 'Pants', 1],
     ['Chris', 'Hats', 1],
     ['Chris', 'T-shirt', 2],
     ['Chris', 'Shoes', 1],
     ['Chris', 'Pants', 2],

Product = [
            ['T-shirt', 110],
            ['Pants', 150],
            ['Shoes', 200],
            ['Hats', 150],
            ['Jacket', 250],
            ['Bag', 230],

import pandas as pd

dfPurchase = pd.DataFrame(data=Purchase, columns=['buyer', 'product', 'count'])

dfProduct = pd.DataFrame(data=Product, columns=['product', 'price'])

dfPurchased = dfPurchase.merge(dfProduct, on='product')

dfPurchased['priceXcount'] = dfPurchased['price'] * dfPurchased['count']

lstBuyer = dfPurchased['buyer'].unique()

lstResult = []
for buyer in lstBuyer:
    lstTmp = [buyer]
    dfOneBuyerPurchased = dfPurchased[dfPurchased['buyer'] == buyer]    
    # or you can use:
    # dfOneBuyerPurchased = dfPurchased.query('buyer == "%s"' % buyer)

    lstTmp += dfOneBuyerPurchased.sort_values(
        by='priceXcount', ascending=False




    buyer  product  count
0   James    Shoes      1
1   James  T-shirt      3
2   James    Pants      2
3   James   Jacket      1
4   James      Bag      1
5    Neil    Shoes      2
6    Neil      Bag      1
7    Neil   Jacket      1
8    Neil    Pants      1
9   Chris     Hats      1
10  Chris  T-shirt      2
11  Chris    Shoes      1
12  Chris    Pants      2

   product  price
0  T-shirt    110
1    Pants    150
2    Shoes    200
3     Hats    150
4   Jacket    250
5      Bag    230

    buyer  product  count  price
0   James    Shoes      1    200
1    Neil    Shoes      2    200
2   Chris    Shoes      1    200
3   James  T-shirt      3    110
4   Chris  T-shirt      2    110
5   James    Pants      2    150
6    Neil    Pants      1    150
7   Chris    Pants      2    150
8   James   Jacket      1    250
9    Neil   Jacket      1    250
10  James      Bag      1    230
11   Neil      Bag      1    230
12  Chris     Hats      1    150

    buyer  product  count  price  priceXcount
0   James    Shoes      1    200          200
1    Neil    Shoes      2    200          400
2   Chris    Shoes      1    200          200
3   James  T-shirt      3    110          330
4   Chris  T-shirt      2    110          220
5   James    Pants      2    150          300
6    Neil    Pants      1    150          150
7   Chris    Pants      2    150          300
8   James   Jacket      1    250          250
9    Neil   Jacket      1    250          250
10  James      Bag      1    230          230
11   Neil      Bag      1    230          230
12  Chris     Hats      1    150          150

[['James', 'T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'], ['Neil', 'Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag'], ['Chris', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']]

答案 3 :(得分:0)


purch_df = pd.DataFrame(Purchase, columns = ['name','product','count'])
d = dict(Product)


purch_df['price'] = [d[product] for product in purch_df['product']]
purch_df['total'] = purch_df['count'] * purch_df['price']


d2 = {}
for group, frame in purch_df.groupby('name'):
    d2[group] = list(frame.sort_values('total', ascending = False).iloc[:3,1])


Result = [lst for _, lst in d2.items()]

答案 4 :(得分:-1)


from itertools import groupby
p = dict(Product)
data = [[a, list(b)] for a, b in groupby(Purchase, key=lambda x:x[0])]
new_results = [(lambda x, y:[x, [[c, y.get(c, 0)*b] for c, b in p.items()]])(a, dict([h[-2:] for h in b])) for a, b in data]
new_sorted = [[a, *[i[0] for i in sorted(b, key=lambda x:x[-1], reverse=True)][:3]] for a, b in new_results]


[['James', 'T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'], 
 ['Neil', 'Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag'], 
 ['Chris', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']]

答案 5 :(得分:-2)


from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
Result = [[k, *map(itemgetter(1), sorted((-p[i] * c, i) for _, i, c in g)[:3])] for p in (dict(Product),) for k, g in groupby(Purchase, key=itemgetter(0))]


[['James', 'T-shirt', 'Pants', 'Jacket'], ['Neil', 'Shoes', 'Jacket', 'Bag'], ['Chris', 'Pants', 'T-shirt', 'Shoes']]


# convert the product pricing into a product-to-price dict for efficient lookup
pricing = dict(Product)
Result = []
# extract the groupings in Purchase based on the first item, the customer's name
for name, purchases in groupby(Purchase, key=itemgetter(0)):
    costs = []
    # for each of a customer's purchases, we calculate the cost by multiplying
    # the product's pricing by the number purchased, and put the calculated cost
    # and product name in a tuple so that it can be sorted by the cost first and
    # then the customer name second; the cost should be negated so to sort
    # in descending order
    for _, product, count in purchases:
        costs.append((-pricing[product] * count, product))
    # initialize the sub-list in the output, which starts with the customer's name
    top_products = [name]
    # followed by the top 3 products from the second item in the sorted costs list
    for _, product in costs[:3]:
    # we've got a finished sub-list to output for the current customer