Shellcode开发-用64位的NASM程序集生成shell [错误]

时间:2018-10-01 09:40:06

标签: assembly exploit shellcode

我正在尝试学习shellcode开发,并且当前正在尝试实现将“ / bin / sh”字符串压入堆栈的堆栈方法。到目前为止,我阅读的大多数教程都将重点放在32b上,而我想将其实现为64b,并且当前由于以下代码而陷入SELECT id, nationality_code FROM jobs_applied_main WHERE MATCH('(@nationality_code ("^MD$" | "^GB$"))') AND job_id = '6257' LIMIT 0, 999; 错误:

Segmentation fault



section .text

  global _start


  ; zero out RAX 
  xor rax, rax

  ; push string in reverse order onto the stack
  ; first the nullbyte, then /bin//sh
  push rax         ; nullbyte for string
  push 0x68732f2f 
  push 0x6e69622f

  ; stack pointer contains address of string now
  mov ebx, esp ; first argument to execve
  mov ecx, eax ; second argument to execve
  mov al, 0xb  ; 11 := syscall number of execve
  int 0x80

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