
时间:2018-10-02 06:14:27

标签: openshift openshift-enterprise

我在带有1个主节点,1个基础节点和1个应用程序节点的Google云端上停止了openshift 3.9。 它因错误而失败

ASK [openshift_master : fail] *************************************************
Monday 01 October 2018  08:54:28 -0400 (0:00:00.073)       0:08:46.116 ******** 
fatal: [ocp-master-0]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "API did not become available. Verbose curl output and API logs have been collected above to assist with debugging.\n"}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
 [WARNING]: Could not create retry file '/usr/share/ansible/openshift-
ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.retry'.         [Errno 13] Permission denied:

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=11   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   
ocp-app-0              : ok=25   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   
ocp-infra-0            : ok=25   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   
ocp-master-0           : ok=252  changed=87   unreachable=0    failed=1   

INSTALLER STATUS ***************************************************************
Initialization             : Complete (0:00:19)
Health Check               : Complete (0:01:17)
etcd Install               : Complete (0:01:49)
Master Install             : In Progress (0:05:21)
    This phase can be restarted by running: playbooks/openshift-master/config.yml

Monday 01 October 2018  08:54:28 -0400 (0:00:00.056)       0:08:46.173 ******** 
openshift_master : Wait for API to become available ------------------- 149.83s
Run health checks (install) - EL --------------------------------------- 76.73s
etcd : Install etcd ---------------------------------------------------- 52.81s
openshift_ca : Install the base package for admin tooling -------------- 35.30s
openshift_cli : Install clients ---------------------------------------- 22.90s
openshift_master : Install Master package ------------------------------ 16.63s
openshift_excluder : Install openshift excluder - yum ------------------ 15.05s
openshift_excluder : Install docker excluder - yum --------------------- 10.14s
openshift_master : Start and enable master api -------------------------- 8.82s
etcd : Install openssl -------------------------------------------------- 5.01s
openshift_master : Install httpd-tools if needed ------------------------ 5.01s
etcd : Install etcd for etcdctl ----------------------------------------- 4.88s
openshift_cli : Install bash completion for oc tools -------------------- 4.88s
etcd : Install openssl -------------------------------------------------- 4.87s
nickhammond.logrotate : nickhammond.logrotate | Install logrotate ------- 4.86s
nickhammond.logrotate : nickhammond.logrotate | Install logrotate ------- 4.84s
etcd : Install etcd ----------------------------------------------------- 4.83s
openshift_version : Get available RPM version --------------------------- 3.71s
openshift_version : Get available RPM version --------------------------- 3.51s
openshift_ca : Create the master certificates if they do not already exist --- 2.15s

Failure summary:

  1. Hosts:    ocp-master-0
     Play:     Configure masters
     Task:     openshift_master : fail
     Message:  API did not become available. Verbose curl output and API logs have been collected above to assist with debugging.

我没有发现问题所在。 因为这工作正常,我之前在相同的基础架构上进行了2-3次安装。

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