
时间:2018-10-08 12:23:40

标签: python python-3.x heuristics

我试图解决N-Queens(仅1个解决方案)问题,但我成功了,但是我的程序在很长的时间内最多只能计算N = 47,因此我尝试实现最小约束值和最大约束变量尽管速度更快,但仍然很慢。我该怎么做才能计算出N = 1000?

def solve(n, x, board, mid_rows, sd_squares):
    # If we are on the last row, it means we have put all the queens:
    if x >= n:

    for i in sd_squares:
        # If we can put a queen on the current square, do it
        if isOk(board, mid_rows[x], i, n):
            board[mid_rows[x]][i] = 1

            # Do the same thing for the next row
            solve(n, x + 1, board, mid_rows, sd_squares)

        # If we are here, it means we put the queen in the wrong square so we have to remove that queen
        board[mid_rows[x]][i] = 0

我不能发布整个代码,因为它太长了,但是请注意isOk(board, x, y, n)是一个函数,它告诉我们是否在x行和y列上放置一个女王/王后,它是否威胁其他女王/王后。 >

mid_rows是一个数组,其中包括中间排到中间的行,因此假设n = 5,则为[2,3,1,4,0],或者当n = 6时为[3,2,4,1,5,0]

sd_squares是一个包含侧面正方形到中间正方形的列表。就像当n = 5时为[0,4,1,3,2]或当n = 6时为[0,5,1,4,2,3]

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