XSLT 2.0根据位置和名称删除同级节点

时间:2018-10-18 10:29:50

标签: xslt xpath


<tei:p>some text</tei:p><tei:add>some note</tei:add>


我已经在XSLT 2.0中进行了尝试,但是没有效果:

<xsl:template match="tei:add[preceding-sibling::node()[1][local-name()='p']]"/>


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您显示的代码示例应该起作用,但前提是procedure cocktailShakerSort( A : list of sortable items ) defined as: do swapped := false for each i in 0 to length( A ) - 2 do: if A[ i ] > A[ i + 1 ] then // test whether the two elements are in the wrong order swap( A[ i ], A[ i + 1 ] ) // let the two elements change places swapped := true end if end for if not swapped then // we can exit the outer loop here if no swaps occurred. break do-while loop end if swapped := false for each i in length( A ) - 2 to 0 do: if A[ i ] > A[ i + 1 ] then swap( A[ i ], A[ i + 1 ] ) swapped := true end if end for while swapped // if no elements have been swapped, then the list is sorted end procedure p之间没有空格(例如换行)(因为文本也被视为节点)




<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />


 <xsl:template match="tei:add[preceding-sibling::node()[self::* or normalize-space()][1][local-name()='p']]"/>