
时间:2018-10-22 16:05:01

标签: python arrays 2d mask


我根据这篇文章的最高答案做了一个蒙版的2D数组: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38194016/9700646






这是我制作“ edge_matrix”的第一步。最后我也要掩盖它。 “ color_matrix”是通过类似的过程制成的。

def edge_matrix(canny_pic):
#edge_matrix = [[0 for x in range(RESOLUTION_WIDTH)] for y in range(RESOLUTION_HEIGHT)]
edge_matrix = np.zeros((RESOLUTION_HEIGHT,RESOLUTION_WIDTH,1),dtype  = "uint8")
# get Canny pic
img = canny_pic #the first element of canny_pic is the picture, the others are the upper and lowers

# make matrix of edges
for i in range(RESOLUTION_HEIGHT):
    for j in range(RESOLUTION_WIDTH):
        color = img[i,j]
        edge_matrix[i,j]=(color[0] or color[1] or color[2] ) and 1

return edge_matrix

然后,我想通过边缘矩阵对这些矩阵进行组合,然后说:每当有边缘(a 1)时,请检查color_matrix中该像素周围的10个空间,看看是否检测到颜色。如果是这样,请在Combined_matrix中将其标记为1。

def reduce_problem(color_mat, edge_mat): 
#this function will help reduce the number of location the object may be in by combining the colors and edges
#create a matrix to store the possible locations of the correct object.

#combined_matrix = [[0 for x in range(RESOLUTION_WIDTH)] for y in range(RESOLUTION_HEIGHT)] #same size as image. 1 = a spot with both edge and color; 0 = a spot without both 
combined_matrix = np.zeros((RESOLUTION_HEIGHT,RESOLUTION_WIDTH, 1), dtype = "float32")

for i in range(10,RESOLUTION_HEIGHT-11): #loop through color matrix
    for j in range(10,RESOLUTION_WIDTH-11):
        if  edge_mat[i,j] == 1:
            #if this edge matrix location has an edge(1), go to the color matrix and check the 10 spaces surrounding it in each direction for any color(1) value (in respect to the corresponding space)

            for k in range(i-10, i+10):
                #if k >= 0 and k < RESOLUTION_HEIGHT:
                for m in range(j-10, j+10):
                    #if m >= 0 and m < RESOLUTION_WIDTH:
                    if color_mat[k,m] ==1:
                        #print(k, m)
                        combined_matrix[i,j] += 1/441


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