
时间:2018-10-24 20:32:10

标签: node.js mongodb mongoose


const mongoose = require('mongoose');

// Customer codes act as DB names, actually comes from config file or DB
let customers = ['c1', 'c2'];

// keeps all mongoose connections
let conns = {};

// create a connection(pool) for each DB
for (let i in customers) {
    let dbname = customers[i];
    conns[dbname] = mongoose.createConnection(`mongodb://${host}:${port}/${dbname}`);

// a simple Schema for blog articles
const ArticleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    title: String,
    text: String

// keeps all Article models
let Article = {};

// create the identical models for the different DBs
// remember: the dbname is the unique customer's code
for (let dbname in conns) {
    let conn = conns[dbname];
    Article[dbname] = conn.model('Article', ArticleSchema);

const app = require('express');
// returns all articles of a certain customer
app.get('/customers/:customerid/articles', function(req, res) {
    // get the customer's code from the URL
    let dbname = req.params.customerid;

    // Query the database
    Article[dbname].find({}, function(err, articles) {
        if (err) return res.status(500).send('DB error');


注意:一个简单的mongoose.connection.useDb(dbName)切换到另一个数据库是行不通的,因为必须针对该连接注册该模型,该连接本身必须绑定到数据库(据我了解) )。


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